Safety Guidelines Update - September 14
On September 14, the safety guidelines were updated. (You can read the entire letter on the Diocesan website - Briefly, there are three things to note: Worship services Everyone who is able is strongly encouraged to be vaccinated, as well to knowingly avoid putting anyone at risk. However, proof of vaccination will not be required to attend services of worship. Existing safety guidelines will remain in place (i.e., masks and distancing). Mandatory Vaccination Policy for clergy, staff and volunteers Effective September 30, the Diocese requires clergy, diocesan employees and volunteers, and all parish employees and volunteers to show proof of being vaccinated with two doses of a vaccine or combination of vaccines approved by Health Canada, with the second dose having been administered at least two weeks prior to the in-person attendance. The full policy is now available on the diocesan website. Singing Thirdly, singing remains prohibited until there is a clearer sense of the effect of the Delta variant and of students returning to school. The Bishop indicated that more will be said about singing after Thanksgiving. New Attendance Limit - 100 at St. Paul’s On July 16, Ontario entered Stage Three of its re-opening plan. As a result, the Bishops now permit as many people in the church who can maintain "physical distancing of 2 metres". That is, in fact, harder to plan for because the space needed for individuals is greater than that needed for families. So to begin with, attendance at church services at St. Paul's will be limited to 100. That will be increased as we are able to do so safely. All other safety guidelines - the Amber Guidelines - remain in place: masks, distancing, no singing, etc.. We give thanks for the hopeful signs, looking forward to the day when the colour changes from Amber to Green. St.Paul’s Church Bursary Program The recipients for this year’s Bursary award are: Stefan Regault - Computer System Technician Networking at Centennial College Lauryn Meek - Graphic Communication Management Program at Ryerson University. They have been awarded bursaries of $600.00 each. The awards come from two funds, The Berthebell Moo Bursary fund and St. Paul’s Memorial fund. The Berthebell Moo Bursary has been made possible by a gift from the estate of the late Berthebell Moo. The St. Paul’s Memorial Bursary is an ongoing bursary with gifts given and received in memory of loved ones. I thank the Bursary committee comprised of Fr.Dean Mercer, Doug Brawley and Kathy Barnes for their recommendations. I also take this opportunity to thank the wardens , Bernie Bellis and Fr.Dean who make every effort to find the necessary funds to help the youths who are pursuing post-secondary education. This program which has been in operation from 2005-2021 has offered 48 bursaries. Thank you. George Coomarasamy Thanksgiving Food Drive for ACSA. Through the Sunday after Thanksgiving the congregation's support is sought for the Agincourt Community Services Food Bank. While donations can be made directly to ACSA, we recommend that they be made through St. Paul's by using your envelopes and indicating that it is a "special" offering for "The ACSA foodbank". Doing it through St. Paul's eliminates the commission fee for making a donation by credit card, and therefore provides a larger gift for those need. Additionally, this contributes to the total gift from St. Paul's to ACSA. Outreach - Fall Schedule These are certainly interesting times. And so in keeping with interesting, the Outreach Committee invites you to join us for this year's WALK-A-THON and our special St. Paul's 180th Anniversary Weekend Concert. The Walk-a-thon - together or on your own - began on Saturday, September 25, and Covid-style will run through Thanksgiving Sunday. The Pledge sheet is available online or at the office. We hope that you will reach out to your friends and family for sponsorships. Individual walkers are asked to walk a 6 kilometre route on your own. All forms should be returned to St. Paul's by Thanksgiving Sunday, October 10. Secondly, mark your calendar now for a special 180th Anniversary weekend concert - online and in-person - on Saturday, November 20, at 7.00 p.m.. All donations received go to Outreach. Roundabout Renovations Due to renovations, access to the roundabout and the wheelchair-designated parking in front of the church is limited right now. Please plan your arrival accordingly. Morning Prayer on Zoom - Password Added Morning Prayer is said Monday to Saturday at 7.30 a.m.. Tuesday to Friday mornings, it is live-streamed from the church. For that reason there is now a password for those attending Morning Prayer on Zoom. Join us for prayer, Monday to Saturday morning at 7.30 a.m.: Computer Access Link: Telephone Access - (647) 374 4685, or (647) 558 0588 Meeting ID: 397 231 088; Password: 549300 Schedule The full schedule of in-person and online services and programs can be found on the online church calendar - - or here: This is the quickest and easiest way to get service and program information. Sunday Services by Phone on Zoom The weekly Sunday recording can be heard by phone on Zoom. (It can also be viewed on Zoom, but the quality is diminished.) Zoom Invitation: By Phone: 647 374 4685; 647 558 0588; Meeting ID: 854 0290 8277; Passcode: 970844 Computer link: Ontario COVID-19 Vaccine Booking You can currently book an appointment at a mass vaccination clinic through the provincial online vaccine booking system ( If you prefer to schedule an appointment by phone, call the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900 (TTY 1-866-797-0007). This line is available 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week. Information is available in more than 300 languages. If St. Paul’s can be of any help to you in this process, please let our office know. IMARA Generation Project Taibu Community Health Centre is conducting a consultation for parents and other concerned adults regarding Black youth and their mental health. For more information or to participate, please contact [email protected]. New Honorary Priest at St. Paul’s Effective December, 2021, The Rev'd Canon Kim Beard has been appointed by Bishop Robertson as honorary priest at St. Paul’s, L’Amoreaux. Canon Beard is the recently retired priest of St. Paul on the Hill, Pickering. Mission Trip to Tanzania 2022 Our incoming honorary assistant Rev. Canon Kim Beard will be leading a work mission trip to Tanzania in 2022. A second information session will be on November 30th, at 2:00 pm. Mark your calendars. Sunday School Every Sunday at 10.00 on Zoom Check the church calendar for links and information: S.P.Y. - St. Paul’s Youth - Friday nights at 7 pm. Contact Sarah for more information: [email protected]. Check the online church calendar for link information: Friday Night Bible Study - Resuming October 15 - Our next study begins on Friday, October 15 and is a study of the Letters of Peter and Jude following the Bible study guide by Bishop Tom Wright. Study guides are available online ( or or or may be ordered through Fr. Dean. The study on Friday, October 15 will be Lesson 1: 1 Peter 1.1-2.3. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 Thank you for your Faithful Gifts and Offerings - St. Paul’s is a strong parish and remains strong due to everyone’s faithful support. Through three quarters of the year, support has been outstanding at a time when never has it been more important. Gifts can be dropped off at the church or sent by mail. Kindly ensure that your name and envelope number is included. Or, members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Members who use online banking can now make E-transfers (instructions here: Gifts can also be made at our website through CanadaHelps: NOTE: Of the various means for online giving, we recommend The Pre-Authorized Giving Program. It is regular, matching the regular responsibilities of the parish, and once initiated all it takes is a phone call or e-mail to increase, decrease, or cancel the donation. The monthly amount is withdrawn on the 20th of each month, and the cost to the church is 50 cents per transaction, irrespective of the amount of the gift. This makes the PAG the most economical of all the online and electronic methods. Contact - The clergy of St. Paul’s are all in the vicinity and visiting in homes again, abiding by diocesan safety guidelines. Don’t hesitate to call or write. Website: [;/]; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected]; Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected]; Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. Comments are closed.
December 2023