November is Stewardship Month - a stewardship letter to the parish is being distributed this Sunday. Both the letter and pledge form will be available on the website here:
New Safety Guidelines On Friday (November 20), it was announced that church services in Toronto are now limited to ten (10) people maximum for the next 28 days, beginning Monday, November 23, a limit with which the bishops have asked us to comply. For now, the Sunday schedule will remain the same, but those planning to attend will need to register. The registration site also indicates if a service is full. As always, all are encouraged to take advantage of the Zoom and online services available. The Doors of St. Paul’s Have Re-opened In a series of careful steps, the doors are re-opening and services and programs are being resumed - starting with Sunday Services. We are working toward the resumption of other services and programs over the next few weeks. However, because the virus remains active, safety guidelines are in effect and all online services will continue for the foreseeable future. Four services are offered in the church. As of November 29, 10 (10) people are allowed in the church proper - main floor and balcony - at any one time. The hall, kitchen and rooms downstairs remain closed. Sunday Schedule: 8.00 a.m. (at the church) 10.00 a.m. (at the church) 10.00 a.m. - Sunday School (online - see the church calendar) 10.30 a.m. - English service (online - see the church calendar) 1.00 p.m. (Chinese) 3.45 p.m. (Tamil) - also being streamed. 6.00 p.m. - Evening Prayer (online - see the church calendar) Morning Prayer will continue to be offered on Zoom, Monday through Saturday. Sunday School by Zoom and the Sunday recording continue. Christmas Schedule Subject to the Diocesan safety guidelines, we will be offering the following in-person Christmas services: Christmas Eve - 6 & 11pm Christmas Day - 8 am (Tamil) & 10:30 am Faithworks Sunday Today has been designated as Faithworks Sunday, so please consider prayerfully if you can make a special effort to donate. This year, the "Matching Challenge Grant" means that for every increased dollar a parish contributes to FaithWorks over last years amount, the generous donor will match it with another dollar up to $100,000 until December 18th. Please consider making your donations to Faithworks prior to that date, if possible. Thanksgiving Food Drive - ACSA. Donations to the Thanksgiving Food drive via Outreach amounted to $1,275. Thank you to all our generous donors. Outreach has topped this up to $2,500 which we are sending to ACSA this week. The (ACSA) Outreach Committee will be reviewing further donations to all our establishments later this year. Order for 2021 Church Calendars We are now taking advance orders for 2021 Church Calendars at @ $5.00 each. Please email the church office at [email protected] or phone 416-499-1545 to reserve your copy; deadline for orders is TODAY. You will be advised when they have arrived. Outreach Walk-a-thon This year’s annual Outreach Walk-a-thon has finished. Forms and donations are now being received. And if you have a picture of where you walked, send it in ([email protected]). Late submissions are still welcome and gratefully received. S.P.Y. - St. Paul’s Youth - Friday Nights, 7 p.m. Friday Night Bible Study - on Zoom - Next Friday, November 27. Revelation 19, Lesson 19. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 Gifts and Offerings - The emergency measures and suspension of all church services and programs presents a large challenge to churches and charities dependent on regular gatherings and fundraising events. Your faithful support is as important now as it has ever been. Church Envelopes can be sent by mail. Members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Or, gifts can be made online at our website through CanadaHelps here: Members who use online banking may now also make E-transfers (contact the office). Contact - The clergy of St. Paul’s are all in the vicinity and visiting in homes again, abiding by diocesan safety guidelines. If any one of us can be of service, don’t hesitate to call or write. Website: [;/]; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected]; Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected]; Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. Comments are closed.
December 2023