*Palm branches Annette passed along a good idea for Palm Sunday from "The Deacon's Bench", here: Palm Sunday *Morning Prayer has resumed The regular schedule of Morning Prayer according to the Book of Common Prayer has resumed and a lovely group showed up this morning. We meet Monday to Friday at 7.30 a.m. (for now, Monday has been added). All are welcome and may participate by phone, mobile or internet. It's short and simple, but a proven path and one of the gems in the Anglican tradition. We follow the Book of Common Prayer, beginning on page 6. If you want to look ahead, the lessons from the Old and New Testaments, as well as the Psalm, are taken from The Daily Office Lectionary and can be found here: NOTE: The link and the meeting ID for Morning Prayer and listed below are now always the same every day. Here's the way in: Link: Meeting ID: 397 231 088 By phone: 647-374-4685 Canada 647-558-0588 Canada One tap mobile +17789072071,,910290351# Canada +14388097799,,910290351# Canada NEW NOTICES *Back to school - online - April 6 A note from Councillor Karygiannis: The Toronto District School Board is moving ahead with plans to connect teachers with students and/or their parents/guardians beginning Monday, April 6, 2020. To help students stay connected and to support remote learning, the TDSB is lending internet-enabled devices to families who do not have access to devices. In order to apply for one of these devices, please fill out the following form as soon as possible: *Friday Night Bible Study Resumes The Friday night Bible studies on Matthew carry on. If you'd like to join, even if you haven't done so previously, please contact me directly ([email protected]) and I'll send you the instructions and the link. This week's lesson is taken from Matthew 21:33 - 22:46. It is Lesson 19 in the study guide, "Matthew for Everyone" by Tom Wright. *These notes have all been posted on our website blog: GENERAL *CanadaHelps In a very difficult time for churches who depend on regular services and their regular events for financial support, "CanadaHelps" is a Canadian charity that helps make online giving possible for charities, safely and securely. We are now registered with CanadaHelps and you can find the online form on the "Giving" page of the website. We also have forms availablefor registering with our "Pre-Authorized Giving" program. Or, church envelopes can be mailed in. From what I have been told, giving has been generous in March through a very difficult season. *Our website is now clean and clear of all troubles: My sincere thanks to Zach and the technical support we received at *Holy Week Our Holy Week schedule is greatly modified this year, but we may also experience its truths more deeply. Three simple gatherings by remote are planned: Palm Sunday - 10.30 a.m. - The Rev'd Dr. Annette Brownlee Good Friday - 10.30 a.m. - Fr. Ajit John Easter Sunday - 10.30 a.m. - Fr. DeanMercer The link to each service will be available on the website. *Office hours are effectively suspended, but the answering service works fine and we'll reply to phone calls and e-mail a.s.a.p.. *We are updating our email contact information as quickly as possible. If you know someone who would like to receive these notes from me, please have them pass along their email addresses. And if not, kindly let us know. *Of greatest immediate concern is the welfare of any member who is frail and those, young and old, who are on their own. Please check in with those you know. Don't hesitate to contact us if you are aware of anyone in need or distress. *A basic schedule of services continues at the church: the daily offices, Friday Bible study and a Sunday eucharist. On Sundays at 10.30 a.m., every member is invited to pause in prayer for the parish. This can be done on one's own or you may follow along a video, found on the church website. *The financial needs of the parish remain and your faithful support is sought - through the mail service or the Pre-Authorized Giving Program. We now have an online means of giving through CanadaHelps, here: *The clergy of St. Paul's are all in the vicinity. If any one of us can be of service, don't hesitate to call or write. Church website Church phone: 416-499-1545 Church email: [email protected] Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected] Rectory phone: 416-497-6352 God bless you. Fr. Dean Mercer+ Comments are closed.
December 2023