Services this Sunday, The Second Sunday of Advent, December 10, 2023
8.00 a.m. (said), 9.15 a.m. (with Sunday School), 11.15 a.m. (choral), 1.00 p.m. (Chinese), 3.00 p.m. (Tamil), 6.00 p.m. (Prayerbook Evensong). Constant in Prayer -by Fr. Dean+ In the early days of Covid and with all its discouragement, one constant encouragement was the regular congregation who joined together on Zoom each morning and each Sunday evening for Morning and Evening Prayer. Nourished by Holy Scripture and the beauty of the Book of Common Prayer collects, we prayed our way through a long and hard season. It was one very special addition during Covid that continues. This past year, Rajini Lyman began a Tuesday evening prayer meeting on Zoom with ample time for participants to share and prayer for concerns they have for themselves and others. It too has been well attended and a wonderful addition in our weekly prayers - both of these above and beyond our collective prayer at the eucharist and special services. This was on my mind because another familiar event restarted this weekend with the Ladies Prayer Breakfast, and the simple gratitude to be part of parish rich in prayer. Praying for what's immediate and dear as our Lord taught us - "Give us this day our daily bread." Praying for each other and the community in which we live, our nation and our world. And praying for our parish that we remain faithful and true to the Lord in all that we do. With this invitation - in both Advent and Lent, we are encouraged to special acts of Christian discipline and devotion. It may be that you’ve wanted to establish better a pattern of daily prayer. Don’t let this be a burden, but everyone is welcome to join us at Morning Prayer. It may be the very thing for this Advent season. Good Tidings of Great Joy - the Children’s Choir is back! Saturday, January 20, at 4.30 p.m.. Watch for details. Spread the word. Advent & Christmas 2023 *Advent Memorial Service, Friday, December 15, 7.30 pm *St. Paul's Steel Christmas Party, Saturday, December 16, 7.00 pm, Tickets: $20 *Christmas Eve and Christmas Service: Sunday, December 24 (Advent 4): 8.00 & 10.00 a.m., 1.00 p.m. (Chinese), 3.00 p.m. (Tamil). Sunday, December 24 (Christmas Eve): 6.00 pm - Pageant; 11.00 p.m. - Candlelight eucharist. Monday, December 25 (Christmas Day): 8.00 a.m. (Tamil); 10.00 a.m. (English). *Feast of the Epiphany, Sunday, December 31 - regular schedule for Sunday services *Watchnight Service, Sunday, December 31, 11.00 p.m. *New Year’s Day Service (Tamil), Monday, January 1, 8.00 a.m. The Next Service of Baptism - Sunday, January 7 - The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. If interested, speak to one of the clergy. Year-End Reminder - Ending the Year Well It’s been another remarkable year as the people of St. Paul’s have faithfully supported their parish through an extraordinary time. Through the end of November, we have been hanging in, now seeking your help through the year’s end, in need everyone’s help. A reminder that December 31 is the the deadline for gifts given in 2023. Alternatively, because of Covid we have made available a number of electronic means of giving - Pre-authorized giving and E-transfers being the ones we recommend. In God’s economy, as Annette taught us, ‘many hands make great things possible.’ We say our prayers and do our best - to the glory of God. Anointers, Servers and the Sacrament Over the past few weeks we have resumed: *Special prayers and prayers for healing during communion on the west side of the church. *Serving the sacrament in both kinds - bread and wine - with no pressure on those who wish to receive only the bread. The church teaches that the sacrament is received in full even if only the bread is received. *Full teams of servers to assist at the altar and for the reading of the Gospel in the Nave. Christmas Flowers The Flower Guild of St. Paul's Church, L'Amoreaux is receiving donations for flowers for Christmas. This project provides our church with an array of beautiful plants for Christmas and afterwards they will be taken to members of the Parish who are ill or shut-in. Please use this form and place it in an envelope marked "Christmas Flowers" together with your donation ($10 minimum) and put it either on the collection plate or send it to the church office, 3333 Finch Ave. E., Scarborough, ON, M1W 2R9. Please make cheques payable to St. Paul's Church L'Amoreaux. The memorials are printed in the Christmas leaflets. December 17 is the last date for donations Recording of 2023 Parish Mission A recording of the 2023 Parish Mission of Fr. Arthur Boers presentation and great music by Diana Braithwaite and Chris Whiteley, along with Andy Phillips and Mark Mosca on pans, is now available here: SPARC- Thursdays 4:00 - 5:45 pm. PLEASE NOTE: We’ve had a great response this fall and are now in search of one or two new volunteers to help tutor math and English, up to a Grade Six level. All materials are provided. If interested, please contact Kathy Barnes. High School students are most welcome and this voluntary service is eligible for high school community service hours. St Paul’s Family Network: Children and Youth Basketball Programs - Youth Basketball Clinics have resumed: Youth on Mondays, at 6 pm and Children on Tuesdays at 6.00 p.m. - at L’Amoreaux C.I. Register here: A great start in both programs this year! A New Book from Arthur Boers: Arthur's coming-of-age and coming-to-faith memoir has just been published! Shattered: A Son Picks Up the Pieces of His Father's Rage (Eerdmans), explores being the child of immigrants and learn English as a second language, a vivid Christian faith already as a child, and his father's dangerous PTSD that eventually focused dangerously on Arthur. If you would like to order one, you can email Arthur at [email protected]. You can specify whether you'd like it signed or personalized in some way. Arthur is selling the book for the Amazon-busting price of $25. Pilgrimage to Israel and Jordan - Postponed - Fall, 2024 Join us for a pilgrimage that includes Petra, Wadi Rum, Nazareth, Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, Masada, Bethlehem, and the Mount of Beatitudes. If you would like to visit Israel as a pilgrim with time to visit, pray and reflect in each holy place, you will enjoy our itinerary. We create many special moments such as a visit to the private garden of Gethsemane, a sail on the Sea of Galilee, Eucharist at the Mount of Beatitudes, a healing and prayer time at the Jordan River and a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Everyone is welcome. The Rev. Canon Kim Beard will be the group leader. Our flights will be direct with Air Canada from Toronto to Tel Aviv. If you would like more information, please contact: Canon Kim Beard at [email protected] Church Service Zoom Link The ordinary Church Service Zoom link is now back in use for all English church services which are streamed on Zoom, for Evening Prayer on Sundays at 6.00 p.m. and for Morning Prayer, Monday through Saturday: By Phone: Meeting ID: 865 6634 7435 Passcode: 501805 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 NOTE: The 8.00 a.m. service (and last week’s anniversary service) is recorded and posted here: They are no longer being replayed on Zoom at 11.00 a.m.. We hope to have a live stream available soon. Pray for One Another On Tuesdays, from 7.30 - 8.30 pm, Rajini Lyman hosts on Zoom a simple service of evening prayer with ample time for participants to pray for each other. In advance, you may wish to send the following to Rajini: Name: Prayer request: Phone Number: Contact Email Address: Those interested are invited to send prayer requests to Rajini Lyman in person or by email: [email protected] For this service, the alternate Church Service Zoom Link will be used: By Phone: Meeting ID: 416 985 1369 Passcode: 222222 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Wednesday Morning Eucharist and Bible Study - Wednesday mornings. Eucharist at 10.30 a.m. followed by the Bible Study with Don St. Kitts. Young Adult Fellowship - Saturday mornings. A great group and a great meeting today (Saturday). We meet next on Saturday, January 13 at 10.00 a.m.. For more information, contact Fr. Dean. Interested in Volunteering with St. Paul's? Have a passion for teaching the word of God to children? We're looking for Sunday School teachers. Have great hospitality and organizational skills? We're on the hunt for a Kitchen Coordinator. For more information, please email Sarah at [email protected] The Friday Night Bible Study of the Acts - has concluded. We will resume on Friday, January 12 - in person and on Zoom. The new study will be of the Gospel of Mark, using the study guide by N. T. Wright. Copies are available from Fr. Dean for $13. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 Regular Sunday Hours 8.00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 9.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist & Sunday School 11.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 1.00 p.m. - Chinese service 3.00 p.m. - Tamil service 6.00 p.m. - Evening Prayer (in person and online) Regular Office Hours Tuesday to Friday - 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon Adult Choir - practices, Saturdays, 4.00 p.m.. African Caribbean Dance & Movement Program - Saturday Mornings 10:30 - 11:45 am. Come and move your bodies in worship to the Lord. All ages welcome. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected]. S.P.Y Network. - Friday Night Gathering for Youths. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected] Adult ESL - Thursdays and Saturdays at 4.30 p.m.. Altar Guild Members who attend the 11:15am service and are interested in joining the Altar Guild, please contact Valerie W. The Next Service of Baptism - Sunday, January 7 - If interested, please contact Fr. Dean. Online Calendar The full schedule of in-person and online services and programs can be found on the online church calendar - - or here: Thank you for your Faithful Gifts and Offerings - St. Paul's is a strong parish and has remained so throughout 2023 due to everyone's faithful support at a time when never has it been more important. Gifts can be dropped off at the church or sent by mail. Kindly ensure that your name and envelope number is included. Or, members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Members who use online banking can now make E-transfers (instructions here: Gifts can also be made at our website through CanadaHelps: NOTE: Of the various means for online giving, we recommend The Pre-Authorized Giving Program. It is regular, matching the regular responsibilities of the parish, and once initiated all it takes is a phone call or quick e-mail note to increase, decrease, or cancel the donation. The monthly amount is withdrawn on the 20th of each month, and the cost to the church is 50 cents per transaction, irrespective of the amount of the gift. This makes the PAG the most economical of all methods of giving. Contact - The clergy of St. Paul's are permitted once again to visit in homes. Don't hesitate to call or write. Website:; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected] Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected] Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. Services this Sunday, The First Sunday of Advent, December 3, 2023
8.00 a.m. (said), 9.15 a.m. (with Sunday School), 11.15 a.m. (choral), 1.00 p.m. (Chinese), 3.00 p.m. (Tamil), 6.00 p.m. (Prayerbook Evensong). Advent & Christmas 2023 - Looking Ahead *Chinese Advent Arts Festival, Friday, December 8, 7.00 p.m. *Ladies of St. Paul's Prayer Breakfast, Saturday, December 9. Sign up in the Narthex. *Advent Memorial Service, Friday, December 15, 7.30 pm *St. Paul's Steel Christmas Party, Saturday, December 16, 7.00 pm, Tickets: $20 *Christmas Eve and Christmas Service: Sunday, December 24 (Advent 4): 8.00 & 10.00 a.m., 1.00 p.m. (Chinese), 3.00 p.m. (Tamil). Sunday, December 24 (Christmas Eve): 6.00 pm - Pageant; 11.00 p.m. - Candlelight eucharist. Monday, December 25 (Christmas Day): 8.00 a.m. (Tamil); 10.00 a.m. (English). *Feast of the Epiphany, Sunday, December 31 - regular schedule for Sunday services *Watchnight Service, Sunday, December 31, 11.00 p.m. *New Year’s Day Service (Tamil), Monday, January 1, 8.00 a.m. Annual Stewardship Emphasis Every year at this time is our Stewardship emphasis. Its purpose is threefold: *To give an account of how the gifts received by the parish are applied. *To highlight the fundamental areas in the Christian mission of the parish. *And to emphasize the central place and grateful obligation of stewardship in the life of every Christian. Regular giving according to the standard of the Biblical tithe is one of the fundamental practices of a Christian. It is the offering to God of our first and best gift. It is the support of the body of which Christ has made us a part. For his sake, it is our hand extended in service to those in need and in invitation to those drawing near to Christ. Stewardship - Ending the Year Well The last weeks of the year are always the weeks of greatest expectation. There's a lot going on at St. Paul’s and in the early days after Covid, we thank God and are grateful for every member's contribution as we reopen and rebuild. Through the end of November we remain on track. Help us remain so. Help us finish well. Help us so that we can plan boldly for 2024. Anointers, Servers and the Sacrament Over the past few weeks we have resumed: *Special prayers and prayers for healing during communion on the west side of the church. *Serving the sacrament in both kinds - bread and wine - with no pressure on those who wish to receive only the bread. The church teaches that the sacrament is received in full even if only the bread is received. *Full teams of servers to assist at the altar and for the reading of the Gospel in the Nave. Recording of 2023 Parish Mission A recording of the 2023 Parish Mission of Fr. Arthur Boers presentation and great music by Diana Braithwaite and Chris Whiteley, along with Andy Phillips and Mark Mosca on pans, is now available here: SPARC- Thursdays 4:00 - 5:45 pm. PLEASE NOTE: We’ve had a great response this fall and are now in search of one or two new volunteers to help tutor math and English, up to a Grade Six level. All materials are provided. If interested, please contact Kathy Barnes. High School students are most welcome and this voluntary service is eligible for high school community service hours. St Paul’s Family Network: Children and Youth Basketball Programs - Youth Basketball Clinics have resumed: Youth on Mondays, at 6 pm and Children on Tuesdays at 6.00 p.m. - at L’Amoreaux C.I. Register here: A great start in both programs this year! A New Book from Arthur Boers: Arthur's coming-of-age and coming-to-faith memoir has just been published! Shattered: A Son Picks Up the Pieces of His Father's Rage (Eerdmans), explores being the child of immigrants and learn English as a second language, a vivid Christian faith already as a child, and his father's dangerous PTSD that eventually focused dangerously on Arthur. If you would like to order one, you can email Arthur at [email protected]. You can specify whether you'd like it signed or personalized in some way. Arthur is selling the book for the Amazon-busting price of $25. Pilgrimage to Israel and Jordan - Postponed - Fall, 2024 Join us for a pilgrimage that includes Petra, Wadi Rum, Nazareth, Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, Masada, Bethlehem, and the Mount of Beatitudes. If you would like to visit Israel as a pilgrim with time to visit, pray and reflect in each holy place, you will enjoy our itinerary. We create many special moments such as a visit to the private garden of Gethsemane, a sail on the Sea of Galilee, Eucharist at the Mount of Beatitudes, a healing and prayer time at the Jordan River and a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Everyone is welcome. The Rev. Canon Kim Beard will be the group leader. Our flights will be direct with Air Canada from Toronto to Tel Aviv. If you would like more information, please contact: Canon Kim Beard at [email protected] Church Service Zoom Link The ordinary Church Service Zoom link is now back in use for all English church services which are streamed on Zoom, for Evening Prayer on Sundays at 6.00 p.m. and for Morning Prayer, Monday through Saturday: By Phone: Meeting ID: 865 6634 7435 Passcode: 501805 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 NOTE: The 8.00 a.m. service (and last week’s anniversary service) is recorded and posted here: They are no longer being replayed on Zoom at 11.00 a.m.. We hope to have a live stream available soon. Pray for One Another On Tuesdays, from 7.30 - 8.30 pm, Rajini Lyman hosts on Zoom a simple service of evening prayer with ample time for participants to pray for each other. In advance, you may wish to send the following to Rajini: Name: Prayer request: Phone Number: Contact Email Address: Those interested are invited to send prayer requests to Rajini Lyman in person or by email: [email protected] For this service, the alternate Church Service Zoom Link will be used: By Phone: Meeting ID: 416 985 1369 Passcode: 222222 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Wednesday Morning Eucharist and Bible Study - Wednesday mornings. Eucharist at 10.30 a.m. followed by the Bible Study with Don St. Kitts. Young Adult Fellowship - Saturday mornings. A great group and a great meeting today (Saturday). We meet next on Saturday, January 13 at 10.00 a.m.. For more information, contact Fr. Dean. Interested in Volunteering with St. Paul's? Have a passion for teaching the word of God to children? We're looking for Sunday School teachers. Have great hospitality and organizational skills? We're on the hunt for a Kitchen Coordinator. For more information, please email Sarah at [email protected] The Friday Night Bible Study of the Acts - has concluded. We will resume on Friday, January 12 - in person and on Zoom. The new study will be of the Gospel of Mark, using the study guide by N. T. Wright. Copies are available from Fr. Dean for $13. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 Regular Sunday Hours 8.00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 9.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist & Sunday School 11.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 1.00 p.m. - Chinese service 3.00 p.m. - Tamil service 6.00 p.m. - Evening Prayer (in person and online) Regular Office Hours Tuesday to Friday - 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon Adult Choir - practices, Saturdays, 4.00 p.m.. African Caribbean Dance & Movement Program - Saturday Mornings 10:30 - 11:45 am. Come and move your bodies in worship to the Lord. All ages welcome. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected]. S.P.Y Network. - Friday Night Gathering for Youths. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected] Adult ESL - Thursdays and Saturdays at 4.30 p.m.. Altar Guild Members who attend the 11:15am service and are interested in joining the Altar Guild, please contact Valerie W. The Next Service of Baptism - Sunday, January 7 - If interested, please contact Fr. Dean. Online Calendar The full schedule of in-person and online services and programs can be found on the online church calendar - - or here: Thank you for your Faithful Gifts and Offerings - St. Paul's is a strong parish and has remained so throughout 2023 due to everyone's faithful support at a time when never has it been more important. Gifts can be dropped off at the church or sent by mail. Kindly ensure that your name and envelope number is included. Or, members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Members who use online banking can now make E-transfers (instructions here: Gifts can also be made at our website through CanadaHelps: NOTE: Of the various means for online giving, we recommend The Pre-Authorized Giving Program. It is regular, matching the regular responsibilities of the parish, and once initiated all it takes is a phone call or quick e-mail note to increase, decrease, or cancel the donation. The monthly amount is withdrawn on the 20th of each month, and the cost to the church is 50 cents per transaction, irrespective of the amount of the gift. This makes the PAG the most economical of all methods of giving. Contact - The clergy of St. Paul's are permitted once again to visit in homes. Don't hesitate to call or write. Website:; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected] Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected] Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. Annual Stewardship Emphasis
Every year at this time is our Stewardship emphasis. Its purpose is threefold: *To give an account of how the gifts received by the parish are applied. *To highlight the fundamental areas in the Christian mission of the parish. *And to emphasize the central place and grateful obligation of stewardship in the life of every Christian. Regular giving according to the standard of the Biblical tithe is one of the fundamental practices of a Christian. It is the offering to God of our first and best gift. It is the support of the body of which Christ has made us a part. For his sake, it is our hand extended in service to those in need and in invitation to those drawing near to Christ. The annual Stewardship Letter to the Parish is attached. SPARC- Thursdays 4:00 - 5:45 pm. PLEASE NOTE: We’ve had a great response this fall and are now in search of one or two new volunteers to help tutor math and English, up to a Grade Six level. All materials are provided. If interested, please contact Kathy Barnes. High School students are most welcome and this voluntary service is eligible for high school community service hours. SPLC Programs and Services Information Session: Sunday November 12th, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. in Byce Hall. Learn more about the various programs that SPLC (Senior Persons Living Connected) offers including: Care Management, GAIN (Geriatric Assessment Intervention Network), Caregiver Support Programs and much more. To register, call the office or signup in the narthex. For more information, call Elsa at 416-493-3333 ext 305 or email [email protected]. Anniversary Sunday - November 19 Marking 183 years of service in the community and the 182nd anniversary of the dedication of the parish by Bishop John Strachan. Guest Preacher: Archdeacon Theadore Hunt. A combined service with the Tamil and Chinese congregations at 10.00 a.m.. The Next Service of Infant & Adult Baptism - Sunday, November 26th, 2023. The baptism will be taking place during the Feast of Christ the King. Baptism classes for adults will be held on Sundays at 4:30 pm from October 22nd to November 19th. Please see Fr. Dean for more information or email [email protected] Thank you, Diocese of Toronto - Support for African Outreach Project Last week we learned that a five-year application for the support of our African Outreach Project was approved by the The Project Enabling and Monitoring Group of the Diocese of Toronto, and ratified by Synod Council. This is great encouragement. We say our prayers and do our best - for the sake of those we serve and to the glory of God. Adzua Fellowship - Immigrant Support Program The next meeting is on Saturday, November 11. Fr. Pierre will talk about his experience moving from Burundi to Uganda and settling with his family here in Canada. Along with great singing, prayer and a great meal. Please sign up if attending. Kindly consider donating a dish. African Service of Praise This past April, along with St. George's, Yonge Street, and Nativity, Malvern, we hosted an African Service of Praise. It was a great evening and our hope was to have joint services also at Nativity and St. George. The next one will be at Nativity, Malvern, on Saturday, November 25 at 7.00 p.m.. All Saints Food Bank Drive - Every fall we offer our support to the Agincourt Community Services Assocation (ACSA) food bank. We are encouraging everyone to offer a gift from now. Today, the Feast of All Saints, is the last day of the drive. Walk-a-Thon 2023 - a great day and over $11,000 raised so far. Thanks again for your constant help and support of our many outreach projects. This is our Main fundraiser. St Paul’s Family Network: Children and Youth Basketball Programs - Youth Basketball Clinics have resumed: Youth on Mondays, at 6 pm and Children on Tuesdays at 6.00 p.m. - at L’Amoreaux C.I. Register here: A great start in both programs this year! A New Book from Arthur Boers: Arthur's coming-of-age and coming-to-faith memoir has just been published! Shattered: A Son Picks Up the Pieces of His Father's Rage (Eerdmans), explores being the child of immigrants and learn English as a second language, a vivid Christian faith already as a child, and his father's dangerous PTSD that eventually focused dangerously on Arthur. If you would like to order one, you can email Arthur at [email protected]. You can specify whether you'd like it signed or personalized in some way. Arthur is selling the book for the Amazon-busting price of $25. Pilgrimage to Israel and Jordan - Postponed - Fall, 2024 Join us for a pilgrimage that includes Petra, Wadi Rum, Nazareth, Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, Masada, Bethlehem, and the Mount of Beatitudes. If you would like to visit Israel as a pilgrim with time to visit, pray and reflect in each holy place, you will enjoy our itinerary. We create many special moments such as a visit to the private garden of Gethsemane, a sail on the Sea of Galilee, Eucharist at the Mount of Beatitudes, a healing and prayer time at the Jordan River and a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Everyone is welcome. The Rev. Canon Kim Beard will be the group leader. Our flights will be direct with Air Canada from Toronto to Tel Aviv. If you would like more information, please contact: Canon Kim Beard at [email protected] Church Service Zoom Link The ordinary Church Service Zoom link is now back in use for all English church services which are streamed on Zoom, for the replay of the Sunday recording, for Evening Prayer on Sundays at 6.00 p.m. and for Morning Prayer, Monday through Saturday: By Phone: Meeting ID: 865 6634 7435 Passcode: 501805 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Pray for One Another On Tuesdays, from 7.30 - 8.30 pm, Rajini Lyman hosts on Zoom a simple service of evening prayer with ample time for participants to pray for each other. In advance, you may wish to send the following to Rajini: Name: Prayer request: Phone Number: Contact Email Address: Those interested are invited to send prayer requests to Rajini Lyman in person or by email: [email protected] For this service, the alternate Church Service Zoom Link will be used: By Phone: Meeting ID: 416 985 1369 Passcode: 222222 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Wednesday Morning Eucharist and Bible Study - Wednesday mornings. Eucharist at 10.30 a.m. followed by the Bible Study with Don St. Kitts. Young Adult Fellowship - Saturday mornings. A great season of meetings ahead. We’ll next meet on Saturday, October 21 at 10.00 a.m.. For more information, contact Fr. Dean. Interested in Volunteering with St. Paul's? Have a passion for teaching the word of God to children? We're looking for Sunday School teachers. Have great hospitality and organizational skills? We're on the hunt for a Kitchen Coordinator. For more information, please email Sarah at [email protected] Friday Night Bible Study of the Acts - has resumed - in person and on Zoom. The study is on the Acts of the Apostles, the 2nd half of Luke's Gospel, using the study guide by N. T. Wright. Copies are available from Fr. Dean for $13. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 This Friday’s study on Zoom: Acts 20 and Lesson 20. Regular Sunday Hours 8.00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 9.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist & Sunday School 11.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 1.00 p.m. - Chinese service 3.00 p.m. - Tamil service 6.00 p.m. - Evening Prayer (in person and online) Regular Office Hours Tuesday to Friday - 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon Adult Choir - practices, Saturdays, 4.00 p.m.. African Caribbean Dance & Movement Program - Saturday Mornings 10:30 - 11:45 am. Come and move your bodies in worship to the Lord. All ages welcome. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected]. S.P.Y Network. - Friday Night Gathering for Youths. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected] Adult ESL - Thursdays and Saturdays at 4.30 p.m.. Altar Guild Members who attend the 11:15am service and are interested in joining the Altar Guild, please contact Valerie W. The Next Service of Adult Baptism - Sunday, November 25 - If interested, please contact Fr. Dean. War in Ukraine For those wishing to contribute to refugee relief, The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund is now accepting donations to support those displaced by the war in Ukraine, here: Our Outreach Committee donated $2000 to refugee relief program. History of the Steel Pans at St. Paul’s Available on Amazon (search for "The Pans of St. Paul’s: A Brief and Affectionate History"). All proceeds go to the Community Youth Music Program. Online Calendar The full schedule of in-person and online services and programs can be found on the online church calendar - - or here: Thank you for your Faithful Gifts and Offerings - St. Paul's is a strong parish and has remained so throughout 2023 due to everyone's faithful support at a time when never has it been more important. Gifts can be dropped off at the church or sent by mail. Kindly ensure that your name and envelope number is included. Or, members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Members who use online banking can now make E-transfers (instructions here: Gifts can also be made at our website through CanadaHelps: NOTE: Of the various means for online giving, we recommend The Pre-Authorized Giving Program. It is regular, matching the regular responsibilities of the parish, and once initiated all it takes is a phone call or quick e-mail note to increase, decrease, or cancel the donation. The monthly amount is withdrawn on the 20th of each month, and the cost to the church is 50 cents per transaction, irrespective of the amount of the gift. This makes the PAG the most economical of all methods of giving. Contact - The clergy of St. Paul's are permitted once again to visit in homes. Don't hesitate to call or write. Website:; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected] Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected] Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. Statement on Anti-Semitic Hatred in Canada
by Fr. Dean As important as it is to repudiate an act of savagery in another land which our elected leaders have done this past week - what the terrorist group Hamas have unleashed in Israel and Gaza - it is equally important to address and repudiate it at home. Cardus ( is a Christian and Canadian non-partisan think tank who released this statement on Tuesday: October 10, 2023 - OTTAWA, ON – "It has been shocking and disappointing to see and hear the deeply misguided Canadian expressions of support for the recent terror attacks against the Jewish people and the State of Israel. The support for these expressions that have come from within Canada's labour movement are deeply concerning and militate against the interests of all workers. Such statements must be repudiated. Equally shocking are the expressions of outright hatred against all Jews, voiced at rallies and events in this country. According to a recent Cardus research brief, religious hate crimes annually reported to Canadian police more than doubled between 2009 and 2021. Jewish Canadians are consistently the most common target of these crimes. We stand with the vast majority of Canadians who oppose anti-Semitism and terrorism in all its forms, but most especially hatred that targets people because of their faith or ethnicity." Brian Dijkema, Vice-President of External Affairs at Cardus Dr. Andrew Bennett, Faith Communities Program Director at Cardus Cardus is a non-partisan think tank dedicated to clarifying and strengthening, through research and dialogue, the ways in which society's institutions can work together for the common good. Once again, I recommend this week's reflection by Ray Pennings (Vice-President, Cardus): *Looking ahead: A full and exciting fall lies before us. 1) The St. Paul's Steel Orchestra has resumed. New players warmly welcomed. 2) The Youth String Ensemble has now resumed - Saturdays at 4.30 pm. Registration at practice. 3) October 28 - the parish mission has been confirmed with Fr. Arthur as our speaker and the thrilling news that accompanying him will be the Diana Braithwaite & Chris Whiteley duet, Gemini and Maple Blues Award winning musicians. They are acclaimed artists who perform Blues and Gospel music and are new friends of Fr. Arthur. Ancestors of Diana fled to Canada on the underground railroad, an experience which features in their music. More about them is available here: More about the mission here: Here's a note from Fr. Arthur: What could our Mission have in common with Saturday Night Live and CBC's "Vinyl Café"? We too will feature premier Canadian musician and performer, Chris Whiteley. He is coming with his spouse and musical partner, Diana Braithwaite, an incredible singer. She descended from slaves who escaped here via the Underground Railroad, a history which features in their music. Whiteley and Braithwaite won numerous awards for performances and songwriting. They will bring several musicians to celebrate an evening of gospel music. Speaker: our own Fr. Arthur Boers (who probably won't ever be on Saturday Night Live). 4) November 3 - PLEASE NOTE - the annual Tamil evangelistic mission and fundraiser for the Bridge of Hope palliative care program in northern Sri Lanka has been rescheduled for Friday, November 3. 5) Anniversary Sunday on November 19, marking 183 years of service in the community and the 182nd anniversary of the dedication of the parish by Bishop John Strachan. ******** All Saints Food Bank Drive - Every fall we offer our support to the Agincourt Community Services Assocation (ACSA) food bank. We are encouraging everyone to offer a gift from now through the Feast of All Saints which we will celebrate on November 5th. *Walk-a-Thon 2023 - a great day and over $10,000 raised so far. Thanksgiving (October 8) is the deadline for individual walkers, to submit pledge sheets and donations. Thanks again for your constant help and support of our many outreach projects. This is our Main fundraiser. St Paul's Family Network: Children and Youth Basketball Programs - Youth Basketball Clinics have resumed: Youth on Mondays, at 6 pm and Children on Tuesdays at 6.00 p.m. - at L'Amoreaux C.I. Register here: A great start in both programs this year! A New Book from Arthur Boers: Arthur's coming-of-age and coming-to-faith memoir has just been published! Shattered: A Son Picks Up the Pieces of His Father's Rage (Eerdmans), explores being the child of immigrants and learn English as a second language, a vivid Christian faith already as a child, and his father's dangerous PTSD that eventually focused dangerously on Arthur. If you would like to order one, you can email Arthur at [email protected]. You can specify whether you'd like it signed or personalized in some way. Arthur is selling the book for the Amazon-busting price of $25. Pilgrimage to Israel and Jordan. February 16th to 28th, 2024 Join us for an information meeting at St. Paul's on Saturday, October 14th at 11.00 a.m. to explore joining a group travelling to Israel and Jordan. We will visit Petra, Wadi Rum, Nazareth, Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, Masada, Bethlehem, and the Mount of Beatitudes. If you would like to visit Israel as a pilgrim with time to visit, pray and reflect in each holy place, you will enjoy our itinerary. We create many special moments such as a visit to the private garden of Gethsemane, a sail on the Sea of Galilee, Eucharist at the Mount of Beatitudes, a healing and prayer time at the Jordan River and a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Everyone is welcome. The Rev. Canon Kim Beard will be the group leader. Our flights will be direct with Air Canada from Toronto to Tel Aviv. If you would like more information, please contact: Canon Kim Beard at [email protected] Church Service Zoom Link The ordinary Church Service Zoom link is now back in use for all English church services which are streamed on Zoom, for the replay of the Sunday recording, for Evening Prayer on Sundays at 6.00 p.m. and for Morning Prayer, Monday through Saturday: By Phone: Meeting ID: 865 6634 7435 Passcode: 501805 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Pray for One Another On Tuesdays, from 7.30 - 8.30 pm, Rajini Lyman hosts on Zoom a simple service of evening prayer with ample time for participants to pray for each other. In advance, you may wish to send the following to Rajini: Name: Prayer request: Phone Number: Contact Email Address: Those interested are invited to send prayer requests to Rajini Lyman in person or by email: [email protected] For this service, the alternate Church Service Zoom Link will be used: By Phone: Meeting ID: 416 985 1369 Passcode: 222222 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Wednesday Morning Eucharist and Bible Study - Wednesday mornings. Eucharist at 10.30 a.m. followed by the Bible Study with Don St. Kitts. Young Adult Fellowship - Saturday mornings. A great season of meetings ahead. We'll next meet on Saturday, October 21 at 10.00 a.m.. For more information, contact Fr. Dean. Interested in Volunteering with St. Paul's? Have a passion for teaching the word of God to children? We're looking for Sunday School teachers. Have great hospitality and organizational skills? We're on the hunt for a Kitchen Coordinator. For more information, please email Sarah at [email protected] Friday Night Bible Study of the Acts - has resumed - in person and on Zoom. The study is on the Acts of the Apostles, the 2nd half of Luke's Gospel, using the study guide by N. T. Wright. Copies are available from Fr. Dean for $13. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 This Friday's study on Zoom: Acts 20 and Lesson 20. Regular Sunday Hours 8.00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 9.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist & Sunday School 11.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 1.00 p.m. - Chinese service 3.00 p.m. - Tamil service 6.00 p.m. - Evening Prayer (in person and online) Regular Office Hours Tuesday to Friday - 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon Adult Choir - practices, Saturdays, 4.00 p.m.. African Caribbean Dance & Movement Program - Saturday Mornings 10:30 - 11:45 am. Come and move your bodies in worship to the Lord. All ages welcome. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected]. S.P.Y Network. - Friday Night Gathering for Youths. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected] Adult ESL - Thursdays and Saturdays at 4.30 p.m.. Altar Guild Members who attend the 11:15am service and are interested in joining the Altar Guild, please contact Valerie W. The Next Service of Adult Baptism - Sunday, November 25 - If interested, please contact Fr. Dean. War in Ukraine For those wishing to contribute to refugee relief, The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund is now accepting donations to support those displaced by the war in Ukraine, here: Our Outreach Committee donated $2000 to refugee relief program. History of the Steel Pans at St. Paul's Available on Amazon (search for "The Pans of St. Paul's: A Brief and Affectionate History"). All proceeds go to the Community Youth Music Program. Online Calendar The full schedule of in-person and online services and programs can be found on the online church calendar - - or here: Thank you for your Faithful Gifts and Offerings - St. Paul's is a strong parish and has remained so throughout 2023 due to everyone's faithful support at a time when never has it been more important. Gifts can be dropped off at the church or sent by mail. Kindly ensure that your name and envelope number is included. Or, members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Members who use online banking can now make E-transfers (instructions here: Gifts can also be made at our website through CanadaHelps: NOTE: Of the various means for online giving, we recommend The Pre-Authorized Giving Program. It is regular, matching the regular responsibilities of the parish, and once initiated all it takes is a phone call or quick e-mail note to increase, decrease, or cancel the donation. The monthly amount is withdrawn on the 20th of each month, and the cost to the church is 50 cents per transaction, irrespective of the amount of the gift. This makes the PAG the most economical of all methods of giving. Contact - The clergy of St. Paul's are permitted once again to visit in homes. Don't hesitate to call or write. Website:; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected] Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected] Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. *Harvest Thanksgiving
Join us this Sunday, October 8, for Harvest Thanksgiving. At 9.15 a.m., the Berthebel Moo and the St. Paul's Memorial academic scholarships will be awarded along with the participation of this year's youth string ensemble. *Announcements *A sad week as we mourned the untimely death of Delicia Raveenthrarajan. This summer she had been hospitalized for an extended period and died of complications early Tuesday morning. The tributes have been pouring in for a bright and accomplished 22-year-old young woman. In addition to her many performances and compositions, she had served as choir director for the Sistema Choral program and the Timothy Eaton United Church children's choir. She sang for numerous choirs such as the Exultate Chamber Singers, the Ellison Honour Choir, and University of Toronto choirs on both the Scarborough and St. George campuses. She was a member of Choral Canada, helping to plan the 2022 national choral conference and festival, helping to create several new programs as well as a scholarship program. She was a fervent advocate for youth mental health and a recipient of Canada's Governor General's Sovereign Volunteer Medal in 2016 and the Scarborough Walk of Fame which honored her as a Rising Star in 2018. Academically, she was at the top of her class, having applied most recently for the distinguished Fulbright and Rhodes scholarships. In addition, she performed regularly for the St. Paul's Tamil Congregation and for all the congregations here on the big days like Anniversary Sunday, and most recently, at Grad Sunday on June 25. A Family Service by invitation only will be held on Tuesday. A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, October 14 at 11.00 a.m. at the Kennedy Convention Centre, 1199 Kennedy Rd, Scarborough, M1P 2L2 (416-402-6666). Those who wish to attend are asked to signup or register with the Church Office (416-499-1545; [email protected]) We give thanks for this precious life and entrust her to God. We pray in earnest for her parents and brother and for all in a very large circle whose lives she touched with joy and grace. May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. *Congratulations to Nathaniel Smith and to Raymond Tapambwa, Jr., this year's receipients of bursaries drawn from the Berthebell Moo Bursary the St. Paul's Memorial Scholarship. The presentations will be made during the 9.15 a.m. service. The Memorial Academic and Music scholarships help our young people with their training and education after high school. Gifts are always gratefully received and donations of $500+ are recorded on the scholarship brochure. *Congratulations to Archbishop Howard Gregory Acting on the advice of the Prime Minister of Jamaica, the Most Honourable Andrew Holness, His Excellency the Governor General has conferred the honour of the Order Of Jamaica (OJ) on the Archbishop in recognition for service in the field of Religion, effective August 6, 2023. As a consequence, the Archbishop is now addressed as the Most Rev. Dr. the Hon. Howard Gregory OJ. The Most Rev. Howard Kingsley Ainsworth Gregory was elected as the 13th Archbishop of the Church in the Province of the West Indies on May 27, 2019. The 14th Bishop of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, he was enthroned on May 17, 2012. His pastoral journey began in 1973 when he was ordained a Deacon and he was ordained a priest in 1974. President of the United Theological College of the West Indies for 12 years, he was a member of the academic board of the University of the West Indies 1990 – 2002 and president of the Jamaica Council of Churches from 2012 – 2016. As Diocesan Bishop, he is a member or chairman of all Boards and Committees of the Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. On at least two occasions Archbishop Gregory has preached at St. Paul's annual Black History Service. Archbishop Gregory's brothers, Clive Esty and Michael Gregory attend St. Paul's and will be sending our congratulations with them as they travel to attend the service this coming week. *Today after the 11.15 a.m. service, a potluck lunch will be offered to any who are interested in the outreach to the Indigenous Community. This began with a pubic meeting in 2022 with a good number attending who expressed their interest and support. Fr. Arthur Boers has kindly offered to coordinate the outreach. Similar to the African Outreach, the program hopes to ensure a warm welcome to St. Paul's, friendship and fellowship, and an introduction to the services and programs of the parish. *Looking ahead: A full and exciting fall lies before us. 1) The St. Paul's Steel Orchestra has resumed. New players warmly welcomed. 2) The Youth String Ensemble has now resumed - Saturdays at 4.30 pm. Registration at practice. 3) Harvest Thanksgiving on Sunday, October 8, and the awarding of the Berthebel Moo and St. Paul's Memorial academic bursaries. 4) October 28 - the parish mission has been confirmed with Fr. Arthur as our speaker and the thrilling news that accompanying him will be the Diana Braithwaite & Chris Whiteley duet, Gemini and Maple Blues Award winning musicians. They are acclaimed artists who perform Blues and Gospel music and are new friends of Fr. Arthur. Ancestors of Diana fled to Canada on the underground railroad, an experience which features in their music. More about them is available here: More about the mission here: Here's a note from Fr. Arthur: What could our Mission have in common with Saturday Night Live and CBC's "Vinyl Café"? We too will feature premier Canadian musician and performer, Chris Whiteley. He is coming with his spouse and musical partner, Diana Braithwaite, an incredible singer. She descended from slaves who escaped here via the Underground Railroad, a history which features in their music. Whiteley and Braithwaite won numerous awards for performances and songwriting. They will bring several musicians to celebrate an evening of gospel music. Speaker: our own Fr. Arthur Boers (who probably won't ever be on Saturday Night Live). 5) November 3 - PLEASE NOTE - the annual Tamil evangelistic mission and fundraiser for the Bridge of Hope palliative care program in northern Sri Lanka has been rescheduled for Friday, November 3. 6) Anniversary Sunday on November 19, marking 183 years of service in the community and the 182nd anniversary of the dedication of the parish by Bishop John Strachan. ******** *Happy Thanksgiving - Sincere thanks to all our members and friends for your generous support of the parish and its Christian mission. We remain on target for our regular giving (which is ahead of where we usually are this time of the year), and substantially ahead in our support for Outreach with generous support of both the International Food Festival and the Annual Walk-a-thon. In the economy of the Lord, all hands count, and many hands can do great things. *Walk-a-Thon 2023 - a great day and over $10,000 raised so far. Thanksgiving (October 8) is the deadline for individual walkers, to submit pledge sheets and donations. Thanks again for your constant help and support of our many outreach projects. This is our Main fundraiser. St Paul's Family Network: Children and Youth Basketball Programs - Youth Basketball Clinics have resumed: Youth on Mondays, at 6 pm and Children on Tuesdays at 6.00 p.m. - at L'Amoreaux C.I. Register here: A great start in both programs this year! A New Book from Arthur Boers: Arthur's coming-of-age and coming-to-faith memoir has just been published! Shattered: A Son Picks Up the Pieces of His Father's Rage (Eerdmans), explores being the child of immigrants and learn English as a second language, a vivid Christian faith already as a child, and his father's dangerous PTSD that eventually focused dangerously on Arthur. If you would like to order one, you can email Arthur at [email protected]. You can specify whether you'd like it signed or personalized in some way. Arthur is selling the book for the Amazon-busting price of $25. Pilgrimage to Israel and Jordan. February 16th to 28th, 2024 Join us for an information meeting at St. Paul's on Saturday, October 14th at 11.00 a.m. to explore joining a group travelling to Israel and Jordan. We will visit Petra, Wadi Rum, Nazareth, Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, Masada, Bethlehem, and the Mount of Beatitudes. If you would like to visit Israel as a pilgrim with time to visit, pray and reflect in each holy place, you will enjoy our itinerary. We create many special moments such as a visit to the private garden of Gethsemane, a sail on the Sea of Galilee, Eucharist at the Mount of Beatitudes, a healing and prayer time at the Jordan River and a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Everyone is welcome. The Rev. Canon Kim Beard will be the group leader. Our flights will be direct with Air Canada from Toronto to Tel Aviv. If you would like more information, please contact: Canon Kim Beard at [email protected] Church Service Zoom Link The ordinary Church Service Zoom link is now back in use for all English church services which are streamed on Zoom, for the replay of the Sunday recording, for Evening Prayer on Sundays at 6.00 p.m. and for Morning Prayer, Monday through Saturday: By Phone: Meeting ID: 865 6634 7435 Passcode: 501805 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Pray for One Another On Tuesdays, from 7.30 - 8.30 pm, Rajini Lyman hosts on Zoom a simple service of evening prayer with ample time for participants to pray for each other. In advance, you may wish to send the following to Rajini: Name: Prayer request: Phone Number: Contact Email Address: Those interested are invited to send prayer requests to Rajini Lyman in person or by email: [email protected] For this service, the alternate Church Service Zoom Link will be used: By Phone: Meeting ID: 416 985 1369 Passcode: 222222 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Wednesday Morning Eucharist and Bible Study - Wednesday mornings. Eucharist at 10.30 a.m. followed by the Bible Study with Don St. Kitts. Young Adult Fellowship - Saturday mornings. A great season of meetings ahead. We'll next meet on Saturday, October 21 at 10.00 a.m.. For more information, contact Fr. Dean. Interested in Volunteering with St. Paul's? Have a passion for teaching the word of God to children? We're looking for Sunday School teachers. Have great hospitality and organizational skills? We're on the hunt for a Kitchen Coordinator. For more information, please email Sarah at [email protected] Friday Night Bible Study of the Acts - has resumed - in person and on Zoom. The study is on the Acts of the Apostles, the 2nd half of Luke's Gospel, using the study guide by N. T. Wright. Copies are available from Fr. Dean for $13. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 This Friday's study on Zoom: Acts 20 and Lesson 20. Regular Sunday Hours 8.00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 9.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist & Sunday School 11.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 1.00 p.m. - Chinese service 3.00 p.m. - Tamil service 6.00 p.m. - Evening Prayer (in person and online) Regular Office Hours Tuesday to Friday - 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon Adult Choir - practices, Saturdays, 4.00 p.m.. African Caribbean Dance & Movement Program - Saturday Mornings 10:30 - 11:45 am. Come and move your bodies in worship to the Lord. All ages welcome. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected]. S.P.Y Network. - Friday Night Gathering for Youths. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected] Adult ESL - Thursdays and Saturdays at 4.30 p.m.. Altar Guild Members who attend the 11:15am service and are interested in joining the Altar Guild, please contact Valerie W. The Next Service of Adult Baptism - Sunday, November 25 - If interested, please contact Fr. Dean. War in Ukraine For those wishing to contribute to refugee relief, The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund is now accepting donations to support those displaced by the war in Ukraine, here: Our Outreach Committee donated $2000 to refugee relief program. History of the Steel Pans at St. Paul's Available on Amazon (search for "The Pans of St. Paul's: A Brief and Affectionate History"). All proceeds go to the Community Youth Music Program. Online Calendar The full schedule of in-person and online services and programs can be found on the online church calendar - - or here: Thank you for your Faithful Gifts and Offerings - St. Paul's is a strong parish and has remained so throughout 2023 due to everyone's faithful support at a time when never has it been more important. Gifts can be dropped off at the church or sent by mail. Kindly ensure that your name and envelope number is included. Or, members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Members who use online banking can now make E-transfers (instructions here: Gifts can also be made at our website through CanadaHelps: NOTE: Of the various means for online giving, we recommend The Pre-Authorized Giving Program. It is regular, matching the regular responsibilities of the parish, and once initiated all it takes is a phone call or quick e-mail note to increase, decrease, or cancel the donation. The monthly amount is withdrawn on the 20th of each month, and the cost to the church is 50 cents per transaction, irrespective of the amount of the gift. This makes the PAG the most economical of all methods of giving. Contact - The clergy of St. Paul's are permitted once again to visit in homes. Don't hesitate to call or write. Website:; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected] Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected] Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. *Back to School, Back to Church, Back to Sunday School - Sunday, September 24
Pancake Breakfast, The Pans, The Choir, U4(ia), Canon Kim Beard Preaching. Invite your family. Invite your friends. Welcome back! *Walk-a-Thon 2023 - a great day yesterday and $10,000 raised so far. Thanksgiving (October 8) is the deadline for individual walkers, to submit pledge sheets and donations. Thanks again for your constant help and support of our many outreach projects. This is our Main fundraiser. *Announcements Over the spring and summer we marked the changes for Annette Brownlee and Fr. Ajit John and their stepping down at St. Paul’s. I am pleased to announce that we now look forward to having Fr. Arthur Boers celebrating at 8.00 a.m. and preaching occasionally at all three services. Canon Kim Beard will be celebrating at 11.15 a.m. and preaching occasionally at all three services. He will be preaching on Back to Sunday School and Back to Church Sunday, September 24, 2023. Additionally, I am pleased to announce and welcome Fr. Pierre Niyongere. Fr. Pierre is a student at Trinity College, University of Toronto, and will offer part-time assistance here with our outreach to the African Community in Scarborough as a pastor to new friends and in the organization of the Immigrant Support Program and special events like the services of African Praise. Fr. Pierre has served as a priest in Burundi and Uganda. *Looking ahead There is a full and exciting fall ahead of us. 1) The St. Paul’s Steel Orchestra has resumed. New players warmly welcomed. 2) The Youth String Ensemble has now resumed - Saturdays at 4.30 pm. Registration at practice. 3) UPDATE - The resumption date for the parish and community Children’s Choir has been postponed, likely in the new year. We will keep everyone posted. 4) The Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra will hold a concert at St. Paul’s on September 30, and one worth circling the date for. "FUN AND FANCIFUL", the concert features the Oden Quartet. Tickets and information available at Then, keep an eye open for their next concert at St. Paul’s on February 10, 2024, when the "Anansi tale" composition by Ted Runcie will be premiered. NOTE: There are 10 complimentary tickets available, first come, first serve. Call the office or sign up in the entrance. 5) Harvest Thanksgiving on Sunday, October 8, and the awarding of the Berthebel Moo and St. Paul’s Memorial academic bursaries. 6) October 21 - the annual Tamil evangelistic mission and fundraiser for the Bridge of Hope palliative care program in northern Sri Lanka. 7) October 28 - the parish mission has been confirmed with Fr. Arthur as our speaker and the thrilling news that accompanying him will be the Diana Braithwaite & Chris Whiteley duet, Gemini and Maple Blues Award winning musicians. They are acclaimed artists who perform Blues and Gospel music and are new friends of Fr. Arthur. Ancestors of Diana fled to Canada on the underground railroad, an experience which features in their music. More about them is available here: Here’s a note from Fr. Arthur: What could our Mission have in common with Saturday Night Live and CBC’s "Vinyl Café"? We too will feature premier Canadian musician and performer, Chris Whiteley. He is coming with his spouse and musical partner, Diana Braithwaite, an incredible singer. She descended from slaves who escaped here via the Underground Railroad, a history which features in their music. Whiteley and Braithwaite ( won numerous awards for performances and songwriting. They will bring several musicians to celebrate an evening of gospel music. Speaker: our own Fr. Arthur Boers (who probably won’t ever be on Saturday Night Live). 8) Anniversary Sunday on November 19, marking 183 years of service in the community and the 182nd anniversary of the dedication of the parish by Bishop John Strachan. 9) Renovations of SS room, youth room, and middle office and Library Reorganization A big thanks to Sarah, and to the Sunday School teachers, for a plan to paint and renovate the Sunday School room, the Youth Room, and the middle room in the main office which will serve the counters on Sundays, and for clergy and students during the week. Similar thanks to Keith Ferrell for his dedicated work re-organizing the library. Look back a year - look ahead one year - it’s exciting and encouraging. We do our best and say our prayers - for the glory of God. ******** Congratulations Archbishop Gregory Acting on the advice of the Prime Minister of Jamaica, the Most Honourable Andrew Holness, His Excellency the Governor General has conferred the honour of the Order Of Jamaica (OJ) on the Archbishop in recognition for service in the field of Religion, effective August 6, 2023. As a consequence, the Archbishop is now addressed as the Most Rev. Dr. the Hon. Howard Gregory OJ. The Most Rev. Howard Kingsley Ainsworth Gregory was elected as the 13th Archbishop of the Church in the Province of the West Indies on May 27, 2019. The 14th Bishop of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, he was enthroned on May 17, 2012. His pastoral journey began in 1973 when he was ordained a Deacon and he was ordained a priest in 1974. President of the United Theological College of the West Indies for 12 years, he was a member of the academic board of the University of the West Indies 1990 – 2002 and president of the Jamaica Council of Churches from 2012 – 2016. As Diocesan Bishop, he is a member or chairman of all Boards and Committees of the Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. On at least two occasions Archbishop Gregory has preached at St. Paul's annual Black History Service. Archbishop Gregory is the brother of Clive Esty and Michael Gregory. St Paul’s Family Network: Children and Youth Basketball Programs - Youth Basketball Clinics have resumed: Youth on Mondays, at 6 pm and Children on Tuesdays at 6.00 p.m. - at L’Amoreaux C.I. Register here: A great start in both programs this year! A New Book from Arthur Boers: Arthur's coming-of-age and coming-to-faith memoir has just been published! Shattered: A Son Picks Up the Pieces of His Father's Rage (Eerdmans), explores being the child of immigrants and learn English as a second language, a vivid Christian faith already as a child, and his father's dangerous PTSD that eventually focused dangerously on Arthur. If you would like to order one, you can email Arthur at [email protected]. You can specify whether you'd like it signed or personalized in some way. Arthur is selling the book for the Amazon-busting price of $25. Pilgrimage to Israel and Jordan. February 16th to 28th, 2024 Join us for an information meeting at St. Paul’s on Saturday, October 14th at 11.00 a.m. to explore joining a group travelling to Israel and Jordan. We will visit Petra, Wadi Rum, Nazareth, Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, Masada, Bethlehem, and the Mount of Beatitudes. If you would like to visit Israel as a pilgrim with time to visit, pray and reflect in each holy place, you will enjoy our itinerary. We create many special moments such as a visit to the private garden of Gethsemane, a sail on the Sea of Galilee, Eucharist at the Mount of Beatitudes, a healing and prayer time at the Jordan River and a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Everyone is welcome. The Rev. Canon Kim Beard will be the group leader. Our flights will be direct with Air Canada from Toronto to Tel Aviv. If you would like more information, please contact: Canon Kim Beard at [email protected] Church Service Zoom Link The ordinary Church Service Zoom link is now back in use for all English church services which are streamed on Zoom, for the replay of the Sunday recording, for Evening Prayer on Sundays at 6.00 p.m. and for Morning Prayer, Monday through Saturday: By Phone: Meeting ID: 865 6634 7435 Passcode: 501805 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Pray for One Another On Tuesdays, from 7.30 - 8.30 pm, Rajini Lyman hosts on Zoom a simple service of evening prayer with ample time for participants to pray for each other. In advance, you may wish to send the following to Rajini: Name: Prayer request: Phone Number: Contact Email Address: Those interested are invited to send prayer requests to Rajini Lyman in person or by email: [email protected] For this service, the alternate Church Service Zoom Link will be used: By Phone: Meeting ID: 416 985 1369 Passcode: 222222 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Wednesday Morning Eucharist and Bible Study - Wednesday mornings. Eucharist at 10.30 a.m. followed by the Bible Study with Don St. Kitts. A Note from the Outreach Team: Calling all walkers. It's that time again to get your walking shoes on and get into shape for our annual walk. Like last year we will have an actual walk on September 24, 2023, meeting at the church at 8:30 for a 9:00 start. If you still wish to maintain distance you can do your own walk at your pace in your favourite space. Pledge sheets will be available on line, from the office or on the table outside the office. Your love and support of our Outreach projects is greatly appreciated. Happy walking. Blessings, Kathy and the Outreach team. Young Adult Fellowship - Saturday mornings. A great season of meetings. We’ll resume next Saturday, September 30 at 10.00 a.m.. For more information, contact Fr. Dean. Interested in Volunteering with St. Paul's? Have a passion for teaching the word of God to children? We're looking for Sunday School teachers. Have great hospitality and organizational skills? We're on the hunt for a Kitchen Coordinator. For more information, please email Sarah at [email protected] 2022 Income Tax Receipts Now Available The 2022 Income Tax Receipts are now available. 2023 Envelopes Now Available The 2023 church envelopes are now available at the church. A reminder that any envelope will do so long as it is marked with your name and Church Envelope #. Friday Night Bible Study of the Acts - has resumed - in person and on Zoom. The study is on the Acts of the Apostles, the 2nd half of Luke's Gospel, using the study guide by N. T. Wright. Copies are available from Fr. Dean for $13. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 This Friday’s study on Zoom: Acts 18 and Lesson 18. Regular Sunday Hours 8.00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 9.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist & Sunday School 11.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 1.00 p.m. - Chinese service 3.00 p.m. - Tamil service 6.00 p.m. - Evening Prayer (in person and online) Regular Office Hours Tuesday to Friday - 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon Adult Choir - practices, Saturdays, 4.00 p.m.. African Caribbean Dance & Movement Program - Saturday Mornings 10:30 - 11:45 am, resuming Saturday September 30th, 2023 at 10:30 am.. Come and move your bodies in worship to the Lord. All ages welcome. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected]. S.P.Y Network. - Friday Night Gathering for Youths. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected] Adult ESL - Thursdays and Saturdays at 4.30 p.m.. Altar Guild Members who attend the 11:15am service and are interested in joining the Altar Guild, please contact Valerie W. War in Ukraine For those wishing to contribute to refugee relief, The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund is now accepting donations to support those displaced by the war in Ukraine, here: Our Outreach Committee donated $2000 to refugee relief program. History of the Steel Pans at St. Paul’s Available on Amazon (search for "The Pans of St. Paul’s: A Brief and Affectionate History"). All proceeds go to the Community Youth Music Program. Online Calendar The full schedule of in-person and online services and programs can be found on the online church calendar - - or here: Thank you for your Faithful Gifts and Offerings - St. Paul's is a strong parish and has remained so throughout 2023 due to everyone's faithful support at a time when never has it been more important. Gifts can be dropped off at the church or sent by mail. Kindly ensure that your name and envelope number is included. Or, members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Members who use online banking can now make E-transfers (instructions here: Gifts can also be made at our website through CanadaHelps: NOTE: Of the various means for online giving, we recommend The Pre-Authorized Giving Program. It is regular, matching the regular responsibilities of the parish, and once initiated all it takes is a phone call or quick e-mail note to increase, decrease, or cancel the donation. The monthly amount is withdrawn on the 20th of each month, and the cost to the church is 50 cents per transaction, irrespective of the amount of the gift. This makes the PAG the most economical of all methods of giving. Contact - The clergy of St. Paul's are permitted once again to visit in homes. Don't hesitate to call or write. Website:; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected] Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected] Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. *Back to School, Back to Church, Back to Sunday School - Sunday, September 24
Pancake Breakfast, The Pans, The Choir, Canon Kim Beard Preaching. Invite your family. Invite your friends. Welcome back! *Announcement Over the spring and summer we marked the changes for Annette Brownlee and Fr. Ajit John and their stepping down at St. Paul's. I am pleased to announce that we now look forward to having Fr. Arthur Boers celebrating at 8.00 a.m. and preaching occasionally at all three services. Additionally, I am pleased to announce that we now look forward to having Canon Kim Beard celebrating at 8.00 a.m. and preaching occasionally at all three services. He will be preaching on Back to Sunday School and Back to Church Sunday, September 24, 2023. *Looking ahead There is a full and exciting fall ahead of us. 1) The St. Paul's Steel Orchestra has resumed. New players warmly welcomed. 2) UPDATE - Due to unforeseen circumstances, the resumption date for the parish and community Children's Choir has been postponed, likely in the new year. We will keep everyone posted. 3) The Youth String Ensemble has now resumed - Saturdays at 4.30 pm. Registration at practice. 4) The Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra will hold a concert at St. Paul's on September 30, and one worth circling the date for. Tickets and information available at Then, keep an eye open for their next concert at St. Paul's on February 10, 2024, when the "Anansi tale" composition by Ted Runcie will be premiered. 5) Harvest Thanksgiving on Sunday, October 8, and the awarding of the Berthebel Moo and St. Paul's Memorial academic bursaries. 6) October 21 - the annual Tamil evangelistic mission and fundraiser for the Bridge of Hope palliative care program in northern Sri Lanka. 7) October 28 - the parish mission has been confirmed with Fr. Arthur as our speaker and the thrilling news that accompanying him will be the Diana Braithwaite & Chris Whiteley duet, Gemini and Maple Blues Award winning musicians. They are acclaimed artists who perform Blues and Gospel music and are new friends of Fr. Arthur. Ancestors of Diana fled to Canada on the underground railroad, an experience which features in their music. More about them is available here: Here's a note from Fr. Arthur: What could our Mission have in common with Saturday Night Live and CBC's "Vinyl Café"? We too will feature premier Canadian musician and performer, Chris Whiteley. He is coming with his spouse and musical partner, Diana Braithwaite, an incredible singer. She descended from slaves who escaped here via the Underground Railroad, a history which features in their music. Whiteley and Braithwaite ( won numerous awards for performances and songwriting. They will bring several musicians to celebrate an evening of gospel music. Speaker: our own Fr. Arthur Boers (who probably won't ever be on Saturday Night Live). 8) Anniversary Sunday on November 19, marking 183 years of service in the community and the 182nd anniversary of the dedication of the parish by Bishop John Strachan. 9) Renovations of SS room, youth room, and middle office and Library Reorganization A big thanks to Sarah, and to the Sunday School teachers, for a plan to paint and renovate the Sunday School room, the Youth Room, and the middle room in the main office which will serve the counters on Sundays, and for clergy and students during the week. Similar thanks to Keith Ferrell for his dedicated work re-organizing the library. Look back a year - look ahead one year - it's exciting and encouraging. We do our best and say our prayers - for the glory of God. ******** A New Book from Arthur Boers: Arthur's coming-of-age and coming-to-faith memoir has just been published! Shattered: A Son Picks Up the Pieces of His Father's Rage (Eerdmans), explores being the child of immigrants and learn English as a second language, a vivid Christian faith already as a child, and his father's dangerous PTSD that eventually focused dangerously on Arthur. If you would like to order one, you can email Arthur at [email protected]. You can specify whether you'd like it signed or personalized in some way. Arthur is selling the book for the Amazon-busting price of $25. Pilgrimage to Israel and Jordan. February 16th to 28th, 2024 Join us for an information meeting at St. Paul's on Thursday September 21st at 7:30 p.m. to explore joining a group travelling to Israel and Jordan. We will visit Petra, Wadi Rum, Nazareth, Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, Masada, Bethlehem, and the Mount of Beatitudes. If you would like to visit Israel as a pilgrim with time to visit, pray and reflect in each holy place, you will enjoy our itinerary. We create many special moments such as a visit to the private garden of Gethsemane, a sail on the Sea of Galilee, Eucharist at the Mount of Beatitudes, a healing and prayer time at the Jordan River and a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Everyone is welcome. The Rev. Canon Kim Beard will be the group leader. Our flights will be direct with Air Canada from Toronto to Tel Aviv. If you would like more information, please contact: Canon Kim Beard at [email protected] Summer Hours for the English Sunday Services - 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m., Sunday, June 25, through Sunday, September 3. Church Service Zoom Link The ordinary Church Service Zoom link is now back in use for all English church services which are streamed on Zoom, for the replay of the Sunday recording, for Evening Prayer on Sundays at 6.00 p.m. and for Morning Prayer, Monday through Saturday: By Phone: Meeting ID: 865 6634 7435 Passcode: 501805 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Pray for One Another On Tuesdays, from 7.30 - 8.30 pm, Rajini Lyman hosts on Zoom a simple service of evening prayer with ample time for participants to pray for each other. In advance, you may wish to send the following to Rajini: Name: Prayer request: Phone Number: Contact Email Address: Those interested are invited to send prayer requests to Rajini Lyman in person or by email: [email protected] For this service, the alternate Church Service Zoom Link will be used: By Phone: Meeting ID: 416 985 1369 Passcode: 222222 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Wednesday Morning Eucharist and Bible Study - resuming this coming week, Wednesday, September 20. A Note from the Outreach Team: Calling all walkers. It's that time again to get your walking shoes on and get into shape for our annual walk. Like last year we will have an actual walk on September 24, 2023, meeting at the church at 8:30 for a 9:00 start. If you still wish to maintain distance you can do your own walk at your pace in your favourite space. Pledge sheets will be available on line, from the office or on the table outside the office. Your love and support of our Outreach projects is greatly appreciated. Happy walking. Blessings, Kathy and the Outreach team. Young Adult Fellowship - Saturday mornings. A great season of meetings. We'll resume next Saturday, September 16 at 10.00 a.m.. For more information, contact Fr. Dean. Interested in Volunteering with St. Paul's? Have a passion for teaching the word of God to children? We're looking for Sunday School teachers. Have great hospitality and organizational skills? We're on the hunt for a Kitchen Coordinator. For more information, please email Sarah at [email protected] 2022 Income Tax Receipts Now Available The 2022 Income Tax Receipts are now available. 2023 Envelopes Now Available The 2023 church envelopes are now available at the church. A reminder that any envelope will do so long as it is marked with your name and Church Envelope #. Friday Night Bible Study of the Acts - has resumed - in person and on Zoom. The study is on the Acts of the Apostles, the 2nd half of Luke's Gospel, using the study guide by N. T. Wright. Copies are available from Fr. Dean for $13. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 This Friday's study on Zoom: Acts 17 and Lesson 17. Regular Sunday Hours have Now Resumed 8.00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 9.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist & Sunday School 11.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 1.00 p.m. - Chinese service 3.00 p.m. - Tamil service 6.00 p.m. - Evening Prayer (in person and online) Regular Office Hours Have Resumed Tuesday to Friday - 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon St Paul's Family Network: Children and Youth Basketball Programs - Youth Basketball Clinic resumes on September 18th and Children's Basketball resumes September 19th, 2023. Register here: Adult Choir - practices, Saturdays, 4.00 p.m.. African Caribbean Dance & Movement Program - Saturday Mornings 10:30 - 11:45 am, resuming Saturday September 30th, 2023 at 10:30 am.. Come and move your bodies in worship to the Lord. All ages welcome. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected]. S.P.Y Network. - Friday Night Gathering for Youths - Resumes on September 15. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected] Adult ESL - now on break until September 14 and 16. Altar Guild Members who attend the 11:15am service and are interested in joining the Altar Guild, please contact Valerie W. War in Ukraine For those wishing to contribute to refugee relief, The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund is now accepting donations to support those displaced by the war in Ukraine, here: Our Outreach Committee donated $2000 to refugee relief program. History of the Steel Pans at St. Paul's Available on Amazon (search for "The Pans of St. Paul's: A Brief and Affectionate History"). All proceeds go to the Community Youth Music Program. Online Calendar The full schedule of in-person and online services and programs can be found on the online church calendar - - or here: Thank you for your Faithful Gifts and Offerings - St. Paul's is a strong parish and has remained so throughout 2023 due to everyone's faithful support at a time when never has it been more important. Gifts can be dropped off at the church or sent by mail. Kindly ensure that your name and envelope number is included. Or, members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Members who use online banking can now make E-transfers (instructions here: Gifts can also be made at our website through CanadaHelps: NOTE: Of the various means for online giving, we recommend The Pre-Authorized Giving Program. It is regular, matching the regular responsibilities of the parish, and once initiated all it takes is a phone call or quick e-mail note to increase, decrease, or cancel the donation. The monthly amount is withdrawn on the 20th of each month, and the cost to the church is 50 cents per transaction, irrespective of the amount of the gift. This makes the PAG the most economical of all methods of giving. Contact - The clergy of St. Paul's are permitted once again to visit in homes. Don't hesitate to call or write. Website:; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected] Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected] Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. *Announcement
Over the spring and summer we marked the changes for Annette Brownlee and Fr. Ajit John and their stepping down at St. Paul's. I am pleased to announce that the Lord has provided. As already mentioned, we now look forward to having Fr. Arthur Boers celebrating at 8.00 a.m. and preaching occasionally at all three services. He is preaching today - Sunday, September 10, 2023. Additionally, I am pleased to announce that we now look forward to having Canon Kim Beard celebrating at 8.00 a.m. and preaching occasionally at all three services. He will be preaching on Back to Sunday School and Back to Church Sunday, September 24, 2023. More announcements to come, but all for now. *Looking ahead There is a full and exciting fall ahead of us. 1) The St. Paul's Steel Orchestra has resumed. New players warmly welcomed. 2) The restart of the youth choral program - NOTE: resumption date postponed. I'm delighted to announce the re-start of our children's parish and community choir this September. This year we'll follow the successful example of our friends at Agincourt Salvation Army with a single choir, ages 6-12. And the exciting news that our new director is Delicia Raveenthrarajan - much-loved, much-talented and already much-experienced - five years conducting for the acclaimed Sistema after-school music program - - and several years at Timothy Eaton United Church. 3) The Youth String Ensemble resumes on Saturday, September 16, at 4.30 pm. Registration at practice. 4) Back to Church and Back to Sunday School Sunday on September 24, 2023, with a great year to look back on and another great one in view. Beginning next Sunday, special prayers will be said throughout September for our scholars young and old as they return to school. 5) The Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra will hold a concert at St. Paul's on September 30, and one worth circling the date for. Tickets and information available at Then, keep an eye open for their next concert at St. Paul's on February 10, 2024, when the "Anansi tale" composition by Ted Runcie will be premiered. 6) Harvest Thanksgiving on Sunday, October 8, and the awarding of the Berthebel Moo and St. Paul's Memorial academic bursaries. 7) October 21 - the annual Tamil evangelistic mission and fundraiser for the Bridge of Hope palliative care program in northern Sri Lanka. 8) October 28 - the parish mission has been confirmed with Fr. Arthur as our speaker and the thrilling news that accompanying him will be the Diana Braithwaite & Chris Whiteley duet, Gemini and Maple Blues Award winning musicians. They are acclaimed artists who perform Blues and Gospel music and are new friends of Fr. Arthur. Ancestors of Diana fled to Canada on the underground railroad, an experience which features in their music. More about them is available here: Here's a note from Fr. Arthur: What could our Mission have in common with Saturday Night Live and CBC's "Vinyl Café"? We too will feature premier Canadian musician and performer, Chris Whiteley. He is coming with his spouse and musical partner, Diana Braithwaite, an incredible singer. She descended from slaves who escaped here via the Underground Railroad, a history which features in their music. Whiteley and Braithwaite ( won numerous awards for performances and songwriting. They will bring several musicians to celebrate an evening of gospel music. Speaker: our own Fr. Arthur Boers (who probably won't ever be on Saturday Night Live). 9) Anniversary Sunday on November 19, marking 183 years of service in the community and the 182nd anniversary of the dedication of the parish by Bishop John Strachan. 10) Renovations of SS room, youth room, and middle office and Library Reorganization A big thanks to Sarah, and to the Sunday School teachers, for a plan to paint and renovate the Sunday School room, the Youth Room, and the middle room in the main office which will serve the counters on Sundays, and for clergy and students during the week. Similar thanks to Keith Ferrell for his dedicated work re-organizing the library. Look back a year - look ahead one year - it's exciting and encouraging. We do our best and say our prayers - for the glory of God. ******** A New Book from Arthur Boers: Arthur's coming-of-age and coming-to-faith memoir has just been published! Shattered: A Son Picks Up the Pieces of His Father's Rage (Eerdmans), explores being the child of immigrants and learn English as a second language, a vivid Christian faith already as a child, and his father's dangerous PTSD that eventually focused dangerously on Arthur. If you would like to order one, you can email Arthur at [email protected]. You can specify whether you'd like it signed or personalized in some way. Arthur is selling the book for the Amazon-busting price of $25. Pilgrimage to Israel and Jordan. February 16th to 28th, 2024 Join us for an information meeting at St. Paul's on Thursday September 21st at 7:30 p.m. to explore joining a group travelling to Israel and Jordan. We will visit Petra, Wadi Rum, Nazareth, Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, Masada, Bethlehem, and the Mount of Beatitudes. If you would like to visit Israel as a pilgrim with time to visit, pray and reflect in each holy place, you will enjoy our itinerary. We create many special moments such as a visit to the private garden of Gethsemane, a sail on the Sea of Galilee, Eucharist at the Mount of Beatitudes, a healing and prayer time at the Jordan River and a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Everyone is welcome. The Rev. Canon Kim Beard will be the group leader. Our flights will be direct with Air Canada from Toronto to Tel Aviv. If you would like more information, please contact: Canon Kim Beard at [email protected] Summer Hours for the English Sunday Services - 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m., Sunday, June 25, through Sunday, September 3. Church Service Zoom Link The ordinary Church Service Zoom link is now back in use for all English church services which are streamed on Zoom, for the replay of the Sunday recording, for Evening Prayer on Sundays at 6.00 p.m. and for Morning Prayer, Monday through Saturday: By Phone: Meeting ID: 865 6634 7435 Passcode: 501805 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Pray for One Another On Tuesdays, from 7.30 - 8.30 pm, Rajini Lyman hosts on Zoom a simple service of evening prayer with ample time for participants to pray for each other. In advance, you may wish to send the following to Rajini: Name: Prayer request: Phone Number: Contact Email Address: Those interested are invited to send prayer requests to Rajini Lyman in person or by email: [email protected] For this service, the alternate Church Service Zoom Link will be used: By Phone: Meeting ID: 416 985 1369 Passcode: 222222 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Wednesday Morning Eucharist and Bible Study Now on summer recess, resuming on September 13. A Note from the Outreach Team: Calling all walkers. It's that time again to get your walking shoes on and get into shape for our annual walk. Like last year we will have an actual walk on September 24, 2023, meeting at the church at 8:30 for a 9:00 start. If you still wish to maintain distance you can do your own walk at your pace in your favourite space. Pledge sheets will be available on line, from the office or on the table outside the office. Your love and support of our Outreach projects is greatly appreciated. Happy walking. Blessings, Kathy and the Outreach team. Young Adult Fellowship - Saturday mornings. A great season of meetings. We'll resume next Saturday, September 16 at 10.00 a.m.. For more information, contact Fr. Dean. Interested in Volunteering with St. Paul's? Have a passion for teaching the word of God to children? We're looking for Sunday School teachers. Have great hospitality and organizational skills? We're on the hunt for a Kitchen Coordinator. For more information, please email Sarah at [email protected] 2022 Income Tax Receipts Now Available The 2022 Income Tax Receipts are now available. 2023 Envelopes Now Available The 2023 church envelopes are now available at the church. A reminder that any envelope will do so long as it is marked with your name and Church Envelope #. Friday Night Bible Study of the Acts - resuming Friday, September 15 - in person and on Zoom. The study is on the Acts of the Apostles, the 2nd half of Luke's Gospel, using the study guide by N. T. Wright. Copies are available from Fr. Dean for $13. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 This Friday's study: Acts 16 and Lesson 16. Regular Sunday Hours have Now Resumed 8.00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 9.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist & Sunday School 11.15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 1.00 p.m. - Chinese service 3.00 p.m. - Tamil service 6.00 p.m. - Evening Prayer (in person and online) Regular Office Hours Have Resumed Tuesday to Friday - 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon Community Basketball for Youth & Children – resumes in the Fall. Adult Choir - practices, Saturdays, 4.00 p.m.. Resumes September 16, 4.00 pm. African Caribbean Dance & Movement Program - Saturday Mornings 10:30 - 11:45 am. Come and move your bodies in worship to the Lord. All ages welcome. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected]. S.P.Y Network. - Friday Night Gathering for Youths - Resumes on September 15. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected] Adult ESL - now on break until September 14 and 16. Altar Guild Members who attend the 11:15am service and are interested in joining the Altar Guild, please contact Valerie W. War in Ukraine For those wishing to contribute to refugee relief, The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund is now accepting donations to support those displaced by the war in Ukraine, here: Our Outreach Committee donated $2000 to refugee relief program. History of the Steel Pans at St. Paul's Available on Amazon (search for "The Pans of St. Paul's") or at the church for $11 (save shipping). All proceeds go to the Community Youth Music Program. Online Calendar The full schedule of in-person and online services and programs can be found on the online church calendar - - or here: Thank you for your Faithful Gifts and Offerings - St. Paul's is a strong parish and has remained so throughout 2023 due to everyone's faithful support at a time when never has it been more important. Gifts can be dropped off at the church or sent by mail. Kindly ensure that your name and envelope number is included. Or, members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Members who use online banking can now make E-transfers (instructions here: Gifts can also be made at our website through CanadaHelps: NOTE: Of the various means for online giving, we recommend The Pre-Authorized Giving Program. It is regular, matching the regular responsibilities of the parish, and once initiated all it takes is a phone call or quick e-mail note to increase, decrease, or cancel the donation. The monthly amount is withdrawn on the 20th of each month, and the cost to the church is 50 cents per transaction, irrespective of the amount of the gift. This makes the PAG the most economical of all methods of giving. Contact - The clergy of St. Paul's are permitted once again to visit in homes. Don't hesitate to call or write. Website:; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected] Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected] Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. An Announcement and Looking Ahead
by Fr. Dean Mercer *Announcement With Annette Brownlee’s retirement, Wycliffe College was in search of a new chaplain. This past week it was announced that Fr. Ajit John will take up this role, at least through the Fall term. However, he will also have to step back from his responsibilities here, effective the end of August. We will look for an occasion to properly thank him for his faithful service at St. Paul's since July, 2017. To that end, I am pleased to announce that while there’s still another announcement to come, effective September 10, Fr. Arthur Boers will be returning to serve on a regular basis. *Looking ahead There is a full and exciting fall ahead of us. 1) The restart of the youth choral program. I’m delighted to announce the re-start of our children’s parish and community choir this September. This year we’ll follow the successful example of our friends at Agincourt Salvation Army with a single choir, ages 6-12. And the exciting news that our new director is Delicia Raveenthrarajan - much-loved, much-talented and already much-experienced - five years conducting for the acclaimed Sistema after-school music program - - and several years at Timothy Eaton United Church. 2) Back to Church and Back to Sunday School Sunday on September 24, 2023, with a great year to look back on and another great one in view. Special prayers will be said throughout September for our scholars young and old as they return to school. 3) The Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra will hold a concert at St. Paul’s on September 30, and one worth circling the date for. Tickets and information available at Then, keep an eye open for their next concert at St. Paul’s on February 10, 2024, when the "Anansi tale" composition by Ted Runcie will be premiered. 4) October 21 - the annual Tamil evangelistic mission and fundraiser for the Bridge of Hope palliative care program in northern Sri Lanka. 5) October 28 - the parish mission has been confirmed with Fr. Arthur as our speaker and the thrilling news that accompanying him will be the Diana Braithwaite & Chris Whiteley duet, Gemini and Maple Blues Award winning musicians. They are local artists who perform Blues and Gospel music and are new friends of Fr. Arthur. Ancestors of Diana fled to Canada on the underground railroad, an experience which features in their music. More about them is available here: 6) Anniversary Sunday on November 19, marking 183 years of service in the community and the 182nd anniversary of the dedication of the parish by Bishop John Strachan. 7) In the works for this fall, the Chinese congregation is planning on offering a Chinese Alpha course. This well known program used around the world and across the Christian denominations is designed especially for those new to the faith and inquiring about it. Recently, a new version of the program was produced in Mandarin and with Chinese actors. It has served as a good general introduction to the faith. The heart of the program is a meal together, a video presentation, then followed by small group discussion. 8) Renovations of SS room, youth room, and middle office A big thanks to Sarah, and to the Sunday School teachers, for a plan to paint and renovate the Sunday School room, the Youth Room, and the middle room in the main office which will serve the counters on Sundays, and for clergy and students during the week. Most of the work is now complete. Look back a year - look ahead one year - it’s exciting and encouraging. We do our best and say our prayers - for the glory of God. ******** A New Book from Arthur Boers: Arthur's coming-of-age and coming-to-faith memoir has just been published! Shattered: A Son Picks Up the Pieces of His Father's Rage (Eerdmans), explores being the child of immigrants and learn English as a second language, a vivid Christian faith already as a child, and his father's dangerous PTSD that eventually focused dangerously on Arthur. If you would like to order one, you can email Arthur at [email protected]. You can specify whether you'd like it signed or personalized in some way. Arthur is selling the book for the Amazon-busting price of $25. Summer Hours for the English Sunday Services - 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m., Sunday, June 25, through Sunday, September 3. Church Service Zoom Link The ordinary Church Service Zoom link is now back in use for all English church services which are streamed on Zoom, for the replay of the Sunday recording, for Evening Prayer on Sundays at 6.00 p.m. and for Morning Prayer, Monday through Saturday: By Phone: Meeting ID: 865 6634 7435 Passcode: 501805 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Pray for One Another On Tuesdays, from 7.30 - 8.30 pm, Rajini Lyman hosts on Zoom a simple service of evening prayer with ample time for participants to pray for each other. In advance, you may wish to send the following to Rajini: Name: Prayer request: Phone Number: Contact Email Address: Those interested are invited to send prayer requests to Rajini Lyman in person or by email: [email protected] For this service, the alternate Church Service Zoom Link will be used: By Phone: Meeting ID: 416 985 1369 Passcode: 222222 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Wednesday Morning Eucharist and Bible Study Now on summer recess, resuming on September 13. A Note from the Outreach Team: Calling all walkers. It's that time again to get your walking shoes on and get into shape for our annual walk. Like last year we will have an actual walk on September 24, 2023, meeting at the church at 8:30 for a 9:00 start. If you still wish to maintain distance you can do your own walk at your pace in your favourite space. Pledge sheets will be available on line, from the office or on the table outside the office. Your love and support of our Outreach projects is greatly appreciated. Happy walking. Blessings, Kathy and the Outreach team. Young Adult Fellowship - Saturday mornings. A great season of meetings. We’ll resume in September. For more information, contact Fr. Dean. Interested in Volunteering with St. Paul's? Have a passion for teaching the word of God to children? We're looking for Sunday School teachers. Have great hospitality and organizational skills? We're on the hunt for a Kitchen Coordinator. For more information, please email Sarah at [email protected] 2022 Income Tax Receipts Now Available The 2022 Income Tax Receipts are now available. 2023 Envelopes Now Available The 2023 church envelopes are now available at the church. A reminder that any envelope will do so long as it is marked with your name and Church Envelope #. Friday Night Bible Study of the Acts in person and on Zoom The study is on the Acts of the Apostles, the 2nd half of Luke's Gospel, using the study guide by N. T. Wright. Copies are available from Fr. Dean for $13. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 Please note: we’re now in recess, resuming in September. Summer Sunday Hours (June 25 to September 3) 8.00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 10.00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 1.00 p.m. - Chinese service 3.00 p.m. - Tamil service 6.00 p.m. - Evening Prayer (in person and online) Summer Office Hours: Wednesday to Friday - 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon Community Basketball for Youth & Children – Resumes in the Fall. Dates to be announced. Adult Choir - practices, Saturdays, 4.00 p.m.. Resumes in the fall. Parish and Community Youth Music Program - Children’s Choir, Strings, Pans - all restart this fall. African Caribbean Dance & Movement Program - Saturday Mornings 10:30 - 11:45 am. Come and move your bodies in worship to the Lord. All ages welcome. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected]. Resumes in the fall. S.P.Y Network. - Friday Night Gathering for Youths - Resumes in the Fall. Dates to be announced. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected] Adult ESL - now on break until the Fall. Altar Guild Members who attend the 11:15am service and are interested in joining the Altar Guild, please contact Valerie W. War in Ukraine For those wishing to contribute to refugee relief, The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund is now accepting donations to support those displaced by the war in Ukraine, here: Our Outreach Committee donated $2000 to refugee relief program. Online Calendar The full schedule of in-person and online services and programs can be found on the online church calendar - - or here: Thank you for your Faithful Gifts and Offerings - St. Paul's is a strong parish and has remained so throughout 2023 due to everyone's faithful support at a time when never has it been more important. Gifts can be dropped off at the church or sent by mail. Kindly ensure that your name and envelope number is included. Or, members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Members who use online banking can now make E-transfers (instructions here: Gifts can also be made at our website through CanadaHelps: NOTE: Of the various means for online giving, we recommend The Pre-Authorized Giving Program. It is regular, matching the regular responsibilities of the parish, and once initiated all it takes is a phone call or quick e-mail note to increase, decrease, or cancel the donation. The monthly amount is withdrawn on the 20th of each month, and the cost to the church is 50 cents per transaction, irrespective of the amount of the gift. This makes the PAG the most economical of all methods of giving. Contact - The clergy of St. Paul's are permitted once again to visit in homes. Don't hesitate to call or write. Website:; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected] Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected] Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. The International Food Fair is Back and is TODAY! (Saturday, July 15, Noon to 6.00 pm)
After a 3 year hiatus, the International Food Fair is back. This is a wonderful opportunity to taste foods of the world, prepared and presented by our own members. Please share the news with friends and relatives. Countries already participating are Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, St. Vincent and Zimbabwe. If you would like to participate in this exciting event, please contact either Anne Burnett or Keith Morris. All funds raised support activities within the Outreach program. An Update by Fr. Dean Mercer *First, a reflection. We were able to give our full strength to reopening last September, but I noticed that it wasn’t until the weekend of Grad Sunday this past June when the majority were not wearing masks. Up until then, about 60-70% were wearing masks at services and events. To my mind that has represented a lingering and significant air of caution, but even so, our first year went very well and the year to come looks even more exciting. *Looking back While not restarting all at once, almost all of our pre-Covid routine was resumed this past year with very good support, and some great additions: the doubling of our community basketball program, the Dance and Movement program, the young adult study on Saturday mornings, and the African Praise Service. As I look at the calendar for September forward, we’re quickly approaching full capacity. *As has been reported, finances remained stable and through the first half of 2023 continue to be so. In fact, while stable all along, we’ve gained a little month by month since April. Re-opening is a lot harder than shutting down. Every new and re-started program depends on equivalent financial support from the parish according to the guiding principle of living within our means. The fiscal realism and success of the parish is what has given us confidence to serve the Lord boldly. So far, so good this year. So, if you step back and consider all that’s going on here . . . -six services on Sundays in English, Tamil and Mandarin and a 7th monthly service in Cantonese, -a full schedule of services through the Christian year, -six week-day Bible studies, -an energetic and growing program for children, youth and families, -three evangelistic missions a year, -a music and arts program for the parish and community featuring choirs, small groups, two accomplished pan groups, a dance program, -a dynamic outreach program supporting Faithworks, ACSA, and more than a dozen more projects here and around the world, -an immigrant support program serving new friends and offering all a spiritual home, -big days like Back to Church Sunday, Anniversary Sunday, Black History Sunday, African Praise Service, Spring Into Summer Concert, Grad Sunday, the International Food Festival -the successful co-sponsorship of a refugee family, . . . it’s exciting and humbling. It’s been a very good year. We thank God, and we thank the parish for their faithful support. *Looking ahead 1) The restart of the youth choral program. I’m delighted to announce the re-start of our children’s parish and community choir this September. This year we’ll follow the successful example of our friends at Agincourt Salvation Army with a single choir, ages 6-12. And the exciting news that our new director is Delicia Raveenthrarajan - much-loved, much-talented and already much-experienced - five years conducting for the acclaimed Sistema after-school music program - - and several years at Timothy Eaton United Church. 2) Back to Church and Back to Sunday School Sunday on September 24, 2023, with a great year to look back on and another great one in view. 3) The Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra will hold a concert at St. Paul’s on September 30, and one worth circling the date for. Tickets and information available at Then, keep an eye open for their next concert at St. Paul’s on February 10, 2024, when the "Anansi tale" composition by Ted Runcie will be premiered. 4) October 21 - the annual Tamil evangelistic mission and fundraiser for the Bridge of Hope palliative care program in northern Sri Lanka. 5) October 28 - the parish mission has been confirmed with Fr. Arthur as our speaker and the thrilling news that accompanying him will be the Diana Braithwaite & Chris Whiteley duet, Gemini and Maple Blues Award winning musicians. They are local artists who perform Blues and Gospel music and are new friends of Fr. Arthur. Ancestors of Diana fled to Canada on the underground railroad, an experience which features in their music. More about them is available here: 6) Anniversary Sunday on November 19, marking 183 years of service in the community and the 182nd anniversary of the dedication of the parish by Bishop John Strachan. 7) In the works for this fall, the Chinese congregation is planning on offering a Chinese Alpha course. This well known program used around the world and across the Christian denominations is designed especially for those new to the faith and inquiring about it. Recently, a new version of the program was produced in Mandarin and with Chinese actors. It has served as a good general introduction to the faith. The heart of the program is a meal together, a video presentation, then followed by small group discussion. 8) Renovations of SS room, youth room, and middle office Big thanks to Sarah, and to the Sunday School teachers, for putting together proposals for the painting and renovation of the Sunday School room, the Youth Room, and the middle room in the main office which will serve the counters on Sundays, and for clergy and students during the week. Much of this will be done this summer. If the re-organization goes well, it should also serve as a meeting room during the week. Look back a year - look ahead one year - it’s exciting and encouraging. We do our best and say our prayers - for the glory of God. ******** A New Book from Arthur Boers: Arthur's coming-of-age and coming-to-faith memoir has just been published! Shattered: A Son Picks Up the Pieces of His Father's Rage (Eerdmans), explores being the child of immigrants and learn English as a second language, a vivid Christian faith already as a child, and his father's dangerous PTSD that eventually focused dangerously on Arthur. If you would like to order one, you can email Arthur at [email protected]. You can specify whether you'd like it signed or personalized in some way. Arthur is selling the book for the Amazon-busting price of $25. Summer Hours for the English Sunday Services - 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m., Sunday, June 25, through Sunday, September 3. Morning and Evening Prayer, July 18 to August 17 NOTE: Morning Prayer is Monday to Friday. Use the Alternate Church Service Zoom Link: By Phone: Meeting ID: 416 985 1369 Passcode: 222222 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Pray for One Another On Tuesdays, from 7.30 - 8.30 pm, Rajini Lyman will be hosting on Zoom a simple service of evening prayer with ample time for participants to pray for each other. In advance, you may wish to send the following to Rajini: Name: Prayer request: Phone Number: Contact Email Address: Those interested are invited to send prayer requests to Rajini Lyman in person or by email: [email protected] For this service, the alternate Church Service Zoom Link will be used: By Phone: Meeting ID: 416 985 1369 Passcode: 222222 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Wednesday Morning Eucharist and Bible Study Now on summer recess, resuming on September 13. A Note from the Outreach Team: Calling all walkers. It's that time again to get your walking shoes on and get into shape for our annual walk. Like last year we will have an actual walk on September 24, 2023, meeting at the church at 8:30 for a 9:00 start. If you still wish to maintain distance you can do your own walk at your pace in your favourite space. Pledge sheets will be available on line, from the office or on the table outside the office. Your love and support of our Outreach projects is greatly appreciated. Happy walking. Blessings, Kathy and the Outreach team. Young Adult Fellowship - Saturday mornings. A great season of meetings. We’ll resume in September. For more information, contact Fr. Dean. Interested in Volunteering with St. Paul's? Have a passion for teaching the word of God to children? We're looking for Sunday School teachers. Have great hospitality and organizational skills? We're on the hunt for a Kitchen Coordinator. For more information, please email Sarah at [email protected] 2022 Income Tax Receipts Now Available The 2022 Income Tax Receipts are now available. 2023 Envelopes Now Available The 2023 church envelopes are now available at the church. A reminder that any envelope will do so long as it is marked with your name and Church Envelope #. Friday Night Bible Study of the Acts in person and on Zoom The study is on the Acts of the Apostles, the 2nd half of Luke's Gospel, using the study guide by N. T. Wright. Copies are available from Fr. Dean for $13. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 Please note: we’re now in recess, resuming in September. Summer Sunday Hours (June 25 to September 3) 8.00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 10.00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist 1.00 p.m. - Chinese service 3.00 p.m. - Tamil service 6.00 p.m. - Evening Prayer (in person and online) Summer Office Hours: Wednesday to Friday - 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon Community Basketball for Youth & Children – Resumes in the Fall. Dates to be announced. Congratulations to St. Paul's Steel Orchestra and Gemini Pan Groove Great performances last weekend at the Spring into Summer Pan concert and previously on Saturday, May 27 at the Praise on Steel city-wide pan concert at the Malvern Christian Assembly, with nearly a dozen bands and solo performances. Both times, St. Paul's Steel Orchestra and Gemini Pan Groove made us proud in front of very happy crowds. Congratulations to Youth String Program Thanks to all our young musicians and director Hayley Kim for another great season which featured performances at Anniversary Sunday, playing with the Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra at the Holiday Concert, a performance on Black History and Easter Sunday, and last Saturday's performance at Maytime Melodies. The program resumes in the Fall. Adult Choir - practices, Saturdays, 4.00 p.m.. Resumes in the fall. Parish and Community Children’s Choir - restarts this fall. Director: Delicia Raveenthrarajan. African Caribbean Dance & Movement Program - Saturday Mornings 10:30 - 11:45 am. Come and move your bodies in worship to the Lord. All ages welcome. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected]. Resumes in the fall. S.P.Y Network. - Friday Night Gathering for Youths - Resumes in the Fall. Dates to be announced. For more information, contact Sarah at [email protected] Adult ESL - now on break until the Fall. Altar Guild Members who attend the 11:15am service and are interested in joining the Altar Guild, please contact Valerie W. A Single "Church Service" Zoom Link for all church services This new link applies to all English church services which are streamed on Zoom, for the replay of the Sunday recording, and including Evening Prayer on Sundays at 6.00 p.m. and Morning Prayer, Monday through Saturday: By Phone: Meeting ID: 865 6634 7435 Passcode: 501805 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 Alternate Church Service Zoom Link (Used on occasions when the primary link is not available.) By Phone: Meeting ID: 416 985 1369 Passcode: 222222 647-374-4685 647-558-0588 War in Ukraine For those wishing to contribute to refugee relief, The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund is now accepting donations to support those displaced by the war in Ukraine, here: Our Outreach Committee donated $2000 to refugee relief program. Online Calendar The full schedule of in-person and online services and programs can be found on the online church calendar - - or here: S.P.Y. - St. Paul's Youth - Friday nights at 7 pm. Resumes in the Fall, dates to be announced. Contact Sarah for more information: [email protected]. Thank you for your Faithful Gifts and Offerings - St. Paul's is a strong parish and has remained so throughout 2023 due to everyone's faithful support at a time when never has it been more important. Gifts can be dropped off at the church or sent by mail. Kindly ensure that your name and envelope number is included. Or, members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Members who use online banking can now make E-transfers (instructions here: Gifts can also be made at our website through CanadaHelps: NOTE: Of the various means for online giving, we recommend The Pre-Authorized Giving Program. It is regular, matching the regular responsibilities of the parish, and once initiated all it takes is a phone call or quick e-mail note to increase, decrease, or cancel the donation. The monthly amount is withdrawn on the 20th of each month, and the cost to the church is 50 cents per transaction, irrespective of the amount of the gift. This makes the PAG the most economical of all methods of giving. Contact - The clergy of St. Paul's are permitted once again to visit in homes. Don't hesitate to call or write. Website:; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected] Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected] Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. |
December 2023