The full schedule of in-person and online services can be found on the online church calendar - - or here:
The Christmas recording, the Online Christmas Pageant, and E-cards from the Sunday School and Youth Group can be viewed here: CHRISTMAS SERVICES Here is our updated Christmas Schedule: December 27 (Sunday) - Regular services December 31 - 11.30 PM, Watchnight by Zoom Computer Access Link: Telephone Access - (647) 374 4685, or (647) 558 0588 Meeting ID: 830 3063 0415; Passcode: 669610 January 1 (Friday) - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) January 3 (Sunday) - Regular services January 6 (Wednesday - Feast of Epiphany) - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) Sunday Services by Phone on Zoom - Sundays, 11.15 a.m. The weekly Sunday recording can now be heard by phone on Zoom on Sundays at 11.15 a.m.. Zoom Invitation: By Phone: 647 374 4685; 647 558 0588; Meeting ID: 854 0290 8277; Passcode: 970844 Order for 2021 Church Calendars Thank you for all those who ordered 2021 church calendars. They have arrived and are ready for pick-up during normal office hours. Friday Night Bible Study - on Zoom - Fridays, 7.00 p.m. The Bible study will resume on Friday, January 15, with a 8-week study of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. Study guides are available online at or may be ordered through Fr. Dean+ Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 The Doors of St. Paul’s Have Re-opened In a series of careful steps, the doors are re-opening and services and programs are being resumed - starting with Sunday Services. Four services (8, 10, 1pm Chinese, 3:45 Tamil) are offered in the church. Ten (10) people are allowed in the church proper - main floor and balcony - at any one time. The hall, kitchen and rooms downstairs remain closed. Morning Prayer will continue to be offered on Zoom, Monday through Saturday. Sunday School by Zoom and the Sunday recording continue. NOTE: Due to heightened safety restrictions, regular office hours are suspended. Messages by phone and email will continue to be monitored closely but an appointment needs to be made if something from the office itself is needed. S.P.Y. - St. Paul’s Youth - off until new year Gifts and Offerings - Your faithful support is as important now as it has ever been. Church Envelopes can be sent by mail. Members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Or, gifts can be made online at our website through CanadaHelps here: Members who use online banking may now also make E-transfers (contact the office). The 2020 Envelopes Now Available. Contact - The clergy of St. Paul’s are all in the vicinity and visiting in homes again, abiding by diocesan safety guidelines. If any one of us can be of service, don’t hesitate to call or write. Website: [;/]; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected]; Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected]; Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. A Word from Fr. Dean+
It’s a funny time we’re in. And one temptation I’ve resisted is in making too many predictions about what life will be like after the restrictions have been lifted. What I reject altogether is that we will discover ourselves to be new creatures, living in a new world.( There will be changes! Events on this scale trigger them. But many of the patterns in life are rooted in our nature as mortals, male and female, created in the image of God: birth, coming of age, marriage, maturing, aging and death. As are our basic needs: food, shelter and the company of others. And as are our questions: from where have I come? Why am I here? To where am I headed? This is one of the great gifts of the Anglican tradition of which we are a part, namely, that while the Christian life can be entered at any point, young or old, it is meant to be lived one’s entire life. Which explains both the variety and constancy of the liturgy, serving us us day by day, season by season, year after year. Which is why the basic structure of the parish resembles a family, employing the various strengths and skills of the human body, with resources in place for every milestone in life. And that is why we are doing our best right now to keep the basic structure of our common life in place, however disconnected it may feel. Why our intention is full steam ahead once the restrictions are lifted. In the meantime, we are Christians with or without Covid. Presently, our primary responsibility is to help each other through the storm. The clergy, staff and parish officers have been unstoppable in adapting to Covid and carrying out their responsibilities. Here are two examples. Every Sunday, Leila, Rob and a great team of teachers have provided Sunday School for our children. Sunday School in the cloud? Good luck! But they never gave up, they’ve adapted creatively, and this week I received a note from two parents about their little children who "eagerly attend" class each week. Every Friday, Sarah and Darnell Chambers have organized youth group in the cloud. Good luck! But Friday night I was invited to say hello at the end of games night, at the end of a full fall season of rich discussions, seminars and fellowship. I arrived in the middle of a great online contest. It started with a hilarious problem. (Without giving anything away, if we ever have trouble with bats in the belfry, I know who to call.) So they had to quickly design and promote a solution, and then everyone voted on the best invention. While I’m struggling with the mute button, the kids are all knee deep in computer graphics. In a hard time, the people of St. Paul’s have rallied, and carry on in determined fashion in the middle of Covid. But like good Christian entrepreneurs, we are constantly looking and listening for the opportunities the Lord may have for us. Where are the fields white for the harvest? What I’m looking for are the opportunities that come to us, so to speak, and which ring true for the responsibility God has given us at Warden and Finch. Opportunities are coming into view. And what I look forward to, without apology and with all my heart is ‘Back-to-Church Sunday’ the week after we enter the green stage, with a red-hot concert that weekend to summon us home. Sunday Services by Phone on Zoom Beginning December 13, the weekly Sunday recording can be heard by phone on Zoom. (It can also be seen, but the quality is diminished.) Zoom Invitation: By Phone: 647 374 4685; 647 558 0588; Meeting ID: 854 0290 8277; Passcode: 970844 Christmas Flowers The Flower Guild of St. Paul’s is receiving donations for Christmas flowers. Due to the safety restrictions, only a few plants will be purchased for use in the church and donations above and beyond will be forwarded to the ACSA Food Bank assisting those in need during the pandemic. Please pass along the information below to the church office by mail or email. Please make cheques payable to St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux Church. December 20 is the last date for donations. *In Memory of:____________________________________ or as a Thank Offering:____________________________ Donor’s Name:___________________________ Envelope #:_______________ Amount of Gift:_________________________ The Twelve Days of Christmas - Although services are limited to 10 persons, by offering a simple service of communion through the 12 days of Christmas, the schedule (below) can accommodate nearly 200. And if those reservations fill up, we would simply add services. Christmas Schedule CHRISTMAS EVE 4.00 pm *Christmas Recording released - Fr. Arthur Boers, preaching. *St. Paul’s Animated Christmas Pageant Recording *Simple in-person service (by reservation only) 5.30 pm *In-person service (by reservation only), with organ, pre-recorded music, and live-streamed. 7.00 pm - Zoom service of Christmas lessons, carols, reflection and blessing, hosted by Fr. Dean and David McCartney Zoom Invitation: Computer Link: By Phone: 647 374 4685; 647 558 0588; Meeting ID: 899 9208 9660 Passcode: 577585 CHRISTMAS DAY 8.30 am - In-person (by reservation only), Tamil, live stream 10.00 am - In-person (by reservation only) 11.30 am - In-person (by reservation only) 8.00 pm - Christmas Day Service, Mandarin, by Zoom THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS COMMUNIONS December 26 - 10 am, In-person (by reservation only) December 27 (Sunday) - Regular services December 28 (Monday) - Nothing scheduled December 29 - December 30 - 10 am, In-person (by reservation only) December 31 10 am, In-person (by reservation only) 11.30 pm, Watchnight by Zoom January 1 - 10 am, In-person (by reservation only) January 2 - 10 am, In-person (by reservation only) January 3 (Sunday) - Regular services January 4 - Nothing scheduled January 5 - 10 am, In-person (by reservation only) January 6 (Feast of Epiphany) - 10 am, In-person (by reservation only) Order for 2021 Church Calendars Thank you for all those who ordered 2021 church calendars. They have arrived and are ready for pick-up during normal office hours. Friday Night Bible Study - on Zoom - Fridays, 7.00 p.m. The Bible study will resume on Friday, January 15, with a 8-week study of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. Study guides are available online at or may be ordered through Fr. Dean+ Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 The Doors of St. Paul’s Have Re-opened In a series of careful steps, the doors are re-opening and services and programs are being resumed - starting with Sunday Services. Four services (8, 10, 1pm Chinese, 3:45 Tamil) are offered in the church. Ten (10) people are allowed in the church proper - main floor and balcony - at any one time. The hall, kitchen and rooms downstairs remain closed. Morning Prayer will continue to be offered on Zoom, Monday through Saturday. Sunday School by Zoom and the Sunday recording continue. S.P.Y. - St. Paul’s Youth - off until new year Gifts and Offerings - Your faithful support is as important now as it has ever been. Church Envelopes can be sent by mail. Members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Or, gifts can be made online at our website through CanadaHelps here: Members who use online banking may now also make E-transfers (contact the office). Contact - The clergy of St. Paul’s are all in the vicinity and visiting in homes again, abiding by diocesan safety guidelines. If any one of us can be of service, don’t hesitate to call or write. Website: [;/]; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected]; Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected]; Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. The parish of St. Paul's is called to prayer on the 3rd Sunday of Advent. The in-person services are fully booked, but the Sunday recording is available and all are welcome at Evening Prayer by Zoom. Service information can be found here: Services. At 10.30 am on Sundays, the Sunday recording can now be heard by phone: 647-374-4685, or 647-558-0588. Meeting ID: 854 0290 8277; Passcode: 970844.
Advent and Christmas 2020 The maximum number allowed at a church service in Toronto has been reduced to 10 by provincial and city authorities, endorsed by our bishops. Every indication is that those restrictions are going to be with us through the Christmas season. And so, like Lent and Easter this year, we will observe Advent and Christmas closer to home. Odd as it may seem, a lot of distractions have been removed, many which hinder our prayers. Last week, four recommendations were offered for Advent 2020. Below is our schedule for Christmas 2020. *We will provide an online Christmas recording as we’ve done since last March. Fr. Arthur Boers will preach. *We will gather by Zoom on Christmas Eve so that as many as possible, by phone or computer, may join together for a simple service of lessons and reflection, and carols led by David McCartney (we can sing in our homes!); *We will do our very best to accommodate everyone who wishes to receive the sacrament and a Christmas blessing - though not all at once. This year St. Paul’s will take full advantage of the 12 Days of Christmas. Advent Memorial Service As usual, there will be an Advent Memorial Service, this year by Zoom, on Saturday, December 19, at 7.00 p.m.. The Zoom invatation can be found on the online church calendar: Sunday Recording by Phone The Sunday Morning Recording can now be heard by phone St. Paul's Supports Prison Fellowship Canada's Angel Tree Christmas Gifting Program For the past seven years, St. Paul's has partnered with Prison Fellowship Canada to provide Christmas gifts for children with a parent that is incarcerated. This year, volunteers are being called upon to provide monetary donations. These donations will be used to purchase the items that the children have requested. Please consider donating to support this effort for our community. Kindly submit donations in one of the following ways: (1) Send an e-transfer to [email protected] (financial coordinator) and indicate that the gift is for Angel Tree (please follow the instructions in the attached sheet). (2) Mail donations to the church clearly indicating it is for Angel Tree. (3) Drop off donations on Sundays clearly indicating that it is for Angel Tree. Please send donations by December 24. Christmas 2020 & the Twelve Days of Christmas Communions CHRISTMAS EVE 4.00 PM *Christmas Recording released - Fr. Arthur Boers, preaching. *St. Paul’s Animated Christmas Pageant Recording *In-person service (by reservation) 5.30 PM *In-person service (by reservation), with organ and pre-recorded music, and live-streamed 7.00 PM - Zoom service of Christmas lessons, carols, reflection and blessing, hosted by Fr. Dean and David McCartney. The Zoom invitation and details can be found on the online church calendar: CHRISTMAS DAY 8.30 AM *In-person (by reservation), Tamil, live stream 10.00 AM *In-person (by reservation) 11.30 AM *In-person (by reservation) 8.00 PM *Christmas Day Service, Mandarin, by Zoom THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS COMMUNIONS December 26 - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) December 27 (Sunday) - Regular services December 28 (Monday) - Nothing scheduled December 29 - December 30 - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) December 31 - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) 11.30 PM, Watchnight by Zoom January 1 - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) January 2 - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) January 3 (Sunday) - Regular services January 4 - Nothing scheduled January 5 - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) January 6 (Feast of Epiphany) - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) St. Paul's Supports Prison Fellowship Canada's Angel Tree Christmas Gifting Program For the past seven years, St. Paul's has partnered with Prison Fellowship Canada to provide Christmas gifts for children with a parent that is incarcerated. This year, volunteers are being called upon to provide monetary donations. These donations will be used to purchase the items that the children have requested. Please consider donating to support this effort for our community. Kindly submit donations in one of the following ways: (1) Send an e-transfer to [email protected] (financial coordinator) and indicate that the gift is for Angel Tree (please follow the instructions in the attached sheet). (2) Mail donations to the church clearly indicating it is for Angel Tree. (3) Drop off donations on Sundays clearly indicating that it is for Angel Tree. Please send donations by December 24. Year-end Giving - A stewardship letter to the parish has been distributed. Both the letter and pledge form are available on the website here: Help us weather the Covid storm and finish the year well. New Safety Guidelines On Friday (November 20), it was announced that church services in Toronto are now limited to ten (10) people maximum. For now, the Sunday schedule will remain the same, but those planning to attend will need to register. The registration site also indicates if a service is full. As always, all are encouraged to take advantage of the Zoom and online services available. Sunday Schedule 8.00 a.m. (at the church) 10.00 a.m. (at the church) 10.00 a.m. - Sunday School (online - see the church calendar) 10.30 a.m. - English service (online - see the church calendar) 1.00 p.m. (Chinese) 3.45 p.m. (Tamil) - also being streamed. 6.00 p.m. - Evening Prayer (online - see the church calendar) Morning Prayer will continue to be offered on Zoom, Monday through Saturday. Sunday School by Zoom and the Sunday recording continue. S.P.Y. - St. Paul’s Youth - Friday Nights, 7 p.m. Friday Night Bible Study - on Zoom - Next Friday, December 4. Revelation 20, Lesson 20. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 Gifts and Offerings - The emergency measures and suspension of all church services and programs presents a large challenge to churches and charities dependent on regular gatherings and fundraising events. Your faithful support is as important now as it has ever been. Church Envelopes can be sent by mail. Members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Or, gifts can be made online at our website through CanadaHelps here: Members who use online banking may now also make E-transfers (contact the office). Contact - The clergy of St. Paul’s are all in the vicinity and visiting in homes again, abiding by diocesan safety guidelines. If any one of us can be of service, don’t hesitate to call or write. Website: [;/]; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected]; Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected]; Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. The parish of St. Paul's is called to prayer on the 2nd Sunday of Advent. The in-person services are fully booked, but the Sunday recording is available and all are welcome at Evening Prayer by Zoom. Service information can be found here: Services.
Advent & Christmas 2020 Last Friday the maximum number allowed at a church service in Toronto was reduced to 10 by provincial and city authorities, endorsed by our bishops. Every indication is that those restrictions are going to be with us through the Christmas season. And so, like Lent and Easter this year, we will observe Advent and Christmas closer to home. Odd as it may seem, a lot of distractions have been removed, many which hinder our prayers. *We will provide an online Christmas recording as we’ve done since last March. Fr. Arthur Boers will preach. *We will gather by Zoom on Christmas Eve so that as many as possible, by phone or computer, may join together for a simple service of lessons and reflection, and carols led by David McCartney (we can sing in our homes!); *We will do our very best to accommodate everyone who wishes to receive the sacrament and a Christmas blessing - though not all at once. This year St. Paul’s will take full advantage of the 12 Days of Christmas. This is by reservation only, which can be done by calling the office (416-499-1545) or using the online reservation system. Advent Memorial Service Join us for the annual Advent Memorial Service, this year by Zoom, on Saturday, December 19, at 7.00 p.m., as we remember before God those who have died this past year. Advent & Christmas 2020 - Fr. Dean Mercer
Last Friday the maximum number allowed at a church service in Toronto was reduced to 10 by provincial and city authorities, endorsed by our bishops. Every indication is that those restrictions are going to be with us through the Christmas season. And so, like Lent and Easter this year, we will observe Advent and Christmas closer to home. Odd as it may seem, a lot of distractions have been removed, many which hinder our prayers. Last week, four recommendations were offered for Advent 2020. Below is our schedule for Christmas 2020. *We will provide an online Christmas recording as we’ve done since last March. Fr. Arthur Boers will preach. *We will gather by Zoom on Christmas Eve so that as many as possible, by phone or computer, may join together for a simple service of lessons and reflection, and carols led by David McCartney (we can sing in our homes!); *We will do our very best to accommodate everyone who wishes to receive the sacrament and a Christmas blessing - though not all at once. This year St. Paul’s will take full advantage of the 12 Days of Christmas. This is by reservation only, which can be done by calling the office (416-499-1545) or using the reservation system online. THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS Christmas 2020, St. Paul, L’Amoreaux CHRISTMAS EVE 4.00 PM *Christmas Recording released - Fr. Arthur Boers, preaching. *St. Paul’s Animated Christmas Pageant Recording released *In-person service (by reservation) 5.30 PM *In-person service (by reservation), with organ and pre-recorded music, and live-streamed 7.00 PM - Zoom service of Christmas lessons, carols, reflection and blessing, hosted by Fr. Dean and David McCartney CHRISTMAS DAY 8.30 AM *In-person (by reservation), Tamil, live stream 10.00 AM *In-person (by reservation) 11.30 AM *In-person (by reservation) 8.00 PM *Christmas Day Service, Mandarin, by Zoom THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS COMMUNIONS December 26 - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) December 27 (Sunday) - Regular services December 28 (Monday) - Nothing scheduled December 29 - December 30 - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) December 31 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) 11.30 PM, Watchnight by Zoom January 1 - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) January 2 - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) January 3 (Sunday) - Regular services January 4 - Nothing scheduled January 5 - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) January 6 (Feast of Epiphany) - 10 AM, In-person (by reservation) Advent Memorial Service As usual, there will be an Advent Memorial Service, this year by Zoom, on Saturday, December 19, at 7.00 p.m.. Year-end Giving - A stewardship letter to the parish has been distributed. Both the letter and pledge form are available on the website here: Help us weather the Covid storm and finish the year well. New Safety Guidelines On Friday (November 20), it was announced that church services in Toronto are now limited to ten (10) people maximum. For now, the Sunday schedule will remain the same, but those planning to attend will need to register. The registration site also indicates if a service is full. As always, all are encouraged to take advantage of the Zoom and online services available. Sunday Schedule 8.00 a.m. (at the church) 10.00 a.m. (at the church) 10.00 a.m. - Sunday School (online - see the church calendar) 10.30 a.m. - English service (online - see the church calendar) 1.00 p.m. (Chinese) 3.45 p.m. (Tamil) - also being streamed. 6.00 p.m. - Evening Prayer (online - see the church calendar) Morning Prayer will continue to be offered on Zoom, Monday through Saturday. Sunday School by Zoom and the Sunday recording continue. S.P.Y. - St. Paul’s Youth - Friday Nights, 7 p.m. Friday Night Bible Study - on Zoom - Next Friday, December 4. Revelation 20, Lesson 20. Zoom link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 Gifts and Offerings - The emergency measures and suspension of all church services and programs presents a large challenge to churches and charities dependent on regular gatherings and fundraising events. Your faithful support is as important now as it has ever been. Church Envelopes can be sent by mail. Members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Or, gifts can be made online at our website through CanadaHelps here: Members who use online banking may now also make E-transfers (contact the office). Contact - The clergy of St. Paul’s are all in the vicinity and visiting in homes again, abiding by diocesan safety guidelines. If any one of us can be of service, don’t hesitate to call or write. Website: [;/]; Church phone: 416-499-1545; Email: [email protected]; Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected]; Rectory phone: 416-497-6352. |
December 2023