Sunday Prayers
The parish of St. Paul's is called to prayer tomorrow morning at 10.30 a.m.. A short video and handout will be available tomorrow morning for those who wish to follow along: A service is also conducted in Tamil. Please contact Fr. Milton Solomon directly: ([email protected]). A Bible study and prayer meeting in Chinese is organized by Pastor Andrew and Kevin Zhang, Saturday evenings at 8.00 pm. To participate, contact Pastor Andrew: [email protected] Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10 am Information about how to connect is available on the Church Calendar: Evening Prayer on Sundays via Zoom Evening Prayer is said every Sunday at 6 pm. Information about how to connect is available on the Church Calendar: Or, directly here: Computer link: Telephone: 647-374-4685, OR 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 729 301 821 Password: 010558 ACSA Food Bank Thanks to Councillor Jim Karygiannis for highlighting the needs of the Agincourt Community Services Food Bank. As always, St. Paul’s is eager to support ACSA. A monetary gift is the most practical and serves the exact needs of the food bank. Gifts can be given online: Volunteers - A Note from ACSA: ACSA has remained OPEN and we are helping residents receive food and essential items, helping newcomers with making sure they are receiving services, reaching out to the homeless or those in shelter to stay safe, helping finish off the tax forms of our clients, and more. At this critical time, we are looking for volunteers to help with our Food Bank. We are looking for Food Bank Packagers and Food Bank Delivery Drivers to the elderly and differently-abled. Volunteers are the lifeblood of our community and we wanted to send a quick note to see if any of you could spend a few hours each week to help. We are providing masks and gloves. Yesterday, our volunteers at our Food Bank got a feature on Toronto’s CityNews: The Food Bank volunteer role can involve: - Lifting and moving bags and food items up to 20lbs. - Packaging food into bags and boxes and moving them to different rooms. - Using your own vehicle to deliver bags/boxes up to 20lbs each to various locations around Toronto - Driving to the Food Bank (1911 Kennedy Road, Scarborough) to pick up the food items at the back, without entering the building - Using your cell phone to contact recipients of the boxes before and upon delivery - Wearing your provided Personal Protective Equipment such as gloves, mask, hand sanitizer, etc. If anyone is interested and able to help with either or both of these roles, please fill out the COVID-19 Emergency Volunteer Application Form. Please also share this with your friends and family, so we can continue to help all Toronto residents. Those completing the form will be contacted within 48 hours. Information: Carmen Ighani, Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator, Agincourt Community Services Association (ACSA), 416-321-6912 ext. 248. S.P.Y. - St. Paul’s Youth - Friday Nights, 7 p.m. Friday fellowships carry on. Information about how to connect is available on the Church Calendar: Town Hall - "What Do We Tell Our Children" In the light of recent events following the tragic death of George Floyd, a town hall for St. Paul's parents was held on Saturday, June 6, around the question: "What Do We Tell Our Children". Panelists included Fr. Theadore Hunt, St. Stephen’s Downsview, Racquel Brown of Empower and Equip, and Tahirah Simmons, a Youth Mental Health Practioner. The evening was hosted by Jacqueline Abel & Sarah Mair. Thank you, panelists. Thank you, Jacqueline and Sarah. Morning Prayer - Now Daily The regular schedule of Morning Prayer according to the Book of Common Prayer meets Monday to Sunday at 7.30 a.m.. All are welcome and may participate by phone or internet. It's short, simple and quiet, but a proven path and one of the gems in the Anglican tradition. We follow the Book of Common Prayer, beginning on page 6. If you want to look ahead, the lessons from the Old and New Testaments, as well as the Psalm, are taken from The Daily Office Lectionary and can be found here: Here’s the link: Here are the phone numbers and ID: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 397 231 088 Looking for Work Slowly, businesses are opening and jobs are resuming, and while some of the employment projections are encouraging, we could also be looking at a lot of lost jobs. If you’re looking, or know someone who is, here’s the national job site: Friday Night Bible Study - on Zoom The Friday night Bible studies on. On May 22, we began a study of the Book of Revelation, a book that is often avoided due to its coded language and many symbols. But here’s from the study guide we will follow: "In fact, Revelation offers one of the clearest and sharpest visions of God's ultimate purpose for the whole creation, and of the way in which the powerful forces of evil, at work in a thousand ways, can be and are being overthrown through the victory of Jesus the Messiah and the consequent costly victory of his followers." Paperback copies or electronic versions of the study guides can be purchased online at Amazon. Paperback: Revelation (N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides) - Paperback Kindle: Revelation (N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides) - Kindle For those interested, the commentary is also available: Revelation for Everyone Next week, June 19: Revelation, chapter 5. In the study guide, Lesson 5. Here’s the link: Friday night Bible Study - Revelation, 7.00 pm Link: Telephone: 647-374 4685, or 647-558 0588; Meeting ID: 830 877 703 Church Calendar We have updated the online Church Calendar to list all the events that are available online - It includes: *Sunday School every Sunday at 10 am, led by Leila and the teachers, with Rob and U3ia. *Regular Bible studies and prayer meetings in Chinese organized by Pastor Andrew and Kevin Zhang. To participate, contact Pastor Andrew: [email protected] *A regular Bible study for the Tamil congregation by Zoom every Wednesday at 7.30 pm for a study of the Gospel of Luke. Pastor Vive is also helping with the study. Please contact Fr. Milton Solomon directly: ([email protected]). *The regular Friday Night Small Group and Bible Study. *Morning Prayer, Monday to Sunday. The regular events are being listed on the online church Calendar, including the information about how to phone in or connect by internet. Coronavirus Updates from the Diocese The Bishop of Toronto, in consultation with the provincial college of Bishops, has chosen to suspend all public worship and other gatherings in the Diocese until further notice - The Diocesan website provides regular updates. Extension of the Diocesan Jubilee - Month of June 30 In light of the Covid-19 outbreak and the large financial strain on the parishes, Bishop Andrew Asbil announced a Jubilee through to the end of May. On Friday, May 22, it was announced that the Jubilee has been extended to include the month of June due to the help of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), in place through to the end of August. During the Jubilee, parishes will not be required to pay their allotment to the Diocese or to pay the costs of clergy remuneration (stipend, housing and associated benefits). The extension of the Jubilee is closely related to the re-opening of the churches for Sunday services. It is still unclear when this will be allowed, but plans "are well underway in the Diocese to develop protocols for congregations to follow to ensure a safe return." The May 22 update from Bishop Asbil and Robert Saffrey (Executive Director) can be found here: The assistance from the diocese and federal government has relieved parishes of their diocesan assessments, clergy stipends and up to 75% of staff wages through to the end of June. The CEWS will continue until the end of August. For this assistance we give thanks, and for the faithfulness and generosity of the parish. It is important to remember that the situation is in a state of constant flux right now, one of the large unknowns being what we will face when and as the emergency measures are lifted. But these offers of support are of great assistance, and the support of the parish remains strong. Faithworks Easter Appeal This year’s campaign is a very special effort as a generous donor has offered a $100,000 matching challenge grant for all new and increased donations. That means for every dollar raised over last year’s amount, FaithWorks received an extra dollar. To date, our Easter Appeal has raised over $60,000 in new or increased donations. THANK YOU to all who have been so generous. However, we will only receive the Matching Challenge Grant of $100,000 if we raise the full $100,000 ourselves. We still have a ways to go. So please help us reach our goal by making your donation today at our web site It's easy to do! Tax Receipts - have now been mailed. Brother’s and Sister’s Keepers If you are willing to be your brother’s or sister’s keeper by being in regular contact with one or two other persons from the parish, please contact the office or any of the clergy for more information. Have you moved? If you have moved recently, kindly notify the office of your new address, phone number and e-mail address. We appreciate your help. Gifts and Offerings The emergency measures and suspension of all church services and programs presents a large challenge to churches and charities dependent on regular gatherings and fundraising events. Your faithful support is as important now as it has ever been. Church Envelopes can be sent by mail. Members may wish to sign up for the Pre-Authorized Giving Program (contact the office). Or, gifts can be made online at our website through CanadaHelps here: Members who use online banking may now also make E-transfers (contact the office). Please note - the church office is closed and the deposit of gifts received is usually once every three to four weeks. One generation shall laud your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. (Psalm 145:4) Thank You - through envelopes mailed in, through the Pre-Authorized Giving Program, and through CanadaHelps on the website, the parish has remained constant and faithful through the quarantine. Thank you. God bless you. Staying in Touch The clergy of St. Paul’s are all in the vicinity. If any one of us can be of service, don’t hesitate to call or write. Church website: Church phone: 416-499-1545 Church email: [email protected] Fr. Dean Mercer: [email protected] Rectory phone: 416-497-6352 Comments are closed.
December 2023